Description | Example | Return message | Group


Calculate deck access


DeckAccess <FromObjectPath> {{TimeInterval} | UseObjInterval} {TargetDeckType} "<TargetDeck>" {SortObj | SortTime} [{OptionalParameters}]


Use the DeckAccess command to set the values for and calculate access from one object to all objects in a specified class. For instance, you could use this command to calculate access from a single ground station to all satellites in the scenario.

The following table describes the inputs to the DeckAccess command. You must enter all of these inputs.

{{TimeInterval} | UseObjInterval}Use {TimeInterval} to define the beginning and end of the access period. For valid {TimeInterval} values, see Time Options.

If the <FromObjectPath> is a vehicle, then the times must be within the vehicle's time period, or the command will Nack.

Specify UseObjInterval to use the object's start and stop times.

{TargetDeckType} "<TargetDeck>"{TargetDeckType} defines the type of target deck, and "<TargetDeck>" contains the list of objects, of the specified type, to which STK will calculate access. The "<TargetDeck>" file extension may be .tle or .tce (to indicate GP data formatted as TLEs), .omm (indicating GP data consisting of CCSDS OMM content in KVN format), .xml (indicating GP data consisting of CCSDS OMM content in XML content), or .csv (indicating GP data consisting of CCSDS OMM content in CSV format).

The following list shows the valid values for {TargetDeckType} and the valid "<TargetDeck>" for each:

  • AreaTarget "<FilePath.shp>"
  • Facility (Facility | Place | Target) "<FilePath.lla>"
  • Satellite "<FilePath.tce>"
  • Star "<FilePath.str>"
  • StarCollection "<Star Collection Name>"
  • Subset "<Subset Name>"

The FilePath is the path to a file on your local drive. When you specify a Subset, the Subset Name specifies the Subset and its parent collection object. An example is TargetDeckType Subset "SatelliteCollection\BigConstellation\Subset\Plane_1".

Routine {SGP4 | Default | <Name>}Specify the implementation of the SGP4 propagator to be used, where SGP4 is the internal SGP4 routine implemented by STK, Default is the propagator selected in the Edit Preferences panel, and <Name> is an installed SGP4 plugin routine, e.g., ASTROSTDS_SGP4_V9.

Astro Standards routines may be available as an option if you have properly configured STK to support it. It is only available if you have obtained the official SGP4 DLL (and related files) from USSF (US Space Force) and performed a minor install procedure. STK provides an interface to the USSF SGP4 routines; contact customer support for more information.

{SortObj | SortTime}SortObj indicates that output is to be sorted by object name; SortTime indicates that output is to be sorted by start time.

The <ConstraintObjectPath> option available for this command in previous versions has been deprecated in STK 10. This option will be maintained for backward compatibility only. To set the Constraint Object, use the ConstraintObject option described below in {OptionalParameters}.

The ConstraintObject must be consistent with {TargetDeckType}. It must be an AreaTarget when {TargetDeckType} is an AreaTarget; a Star when {TargetDeckType} is a Star or StarConstellation; a Satellite when {TargetDeckType} is Satelite; a Facility/Place/Target when {TargetDeckType} is a Facility/Place/Target (but they do not need to match).

The ConstraintObject is not applicable when {TargetDeckType} is Subset.

The following table describes {OptionalParameters}.

ConstraintObject <TruncObjectPath>Use ConstraintObject to apply specific constraints to the access. To use this option, define an object with the constraints of interest and then specify that object as the <TruncObjectPath>. All constraints applied to that object will be applied across the access objects.
TLEEpochFilter {Off | <Value>}If you enter this option with <Value>, then it will exclude any TLE with an epoch date that precedes the beginning, or follows the end, of the analysis period by the amount of time specified in <Value>.

<Value> must be in Connect Time units and between 1 day (86400 seconds) and 10 years. The default value is Off.

This option is only available if TargetDeck is Satellite.

AddSatellites <MaximumNumber>Indicate the maximum number of satellites to add to the scenario.

<MaximumNumber> is an integer between 0 and 100000. The default value is 0.

This option is only available if TargetDeck is Satellite.

SetModelScale {Off | <ScaleValue>}Specify the model scale for Satellites added to the scenario. Use the AddSatellites option to indicate whether Satellites are added to the scenario.

<ScaleValue> is a real number between 0.0 and 10.0. The default value is Off, meaning the model scale will not be changed.

This option is only available if TargetDeck is Satellite.

AltitudeDefinition {AboveEllipsoid | OnTerrain}Specify how altitude information from the selected input file will be used/interpreted. A selection of AboveEllipsoid will result in altitude values from the file being interpreted as geodetic altitude above the reference shape of the scenario central body (WGS-84 ellipsoid for the Earth). If altitude is not specified in the file, it is set to zero. A selection of OnTerrain will result in the altitude values from the file being overwritten with the terrain altitude at each specified geodetic location.

This option is only available if TargetDeck is Facility, Place, or Target.

{OutReport | OutFile "<OutputFilePath>"} Specify OutReport to have access data returned over the Connect socket. Specify OutFile, along with the required "<OutputFilePath>" to indicate that access data is to be written to the specified "<OutputFilePath>".

"<OutputFilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.


To calculate access from the ERS1 satellite to all area targets defined in a scenario from 1 Jul 2000 at midnight to 2 July 2000 at midnight:

DeckAccess */Satellite/ERS1 "1 Jul 2000 00:00:00.00" "2 Jul 2000 00:00:00.00" AreaTarget "c:/ProgramData/STKData/GroundFacilities.shp" SortTime OutReport

To calculate access from the satellite, over the satellite's time period, and write the report to a file:

DeckAccess */Satellite/Satellite1 UseObjInterval Satellite "C:\Users\stkUser\Documents\stkActiveTLE.tce" SortObj OutFile "C:\MyTemp\DATestSat1.rpt"

To calculate access from the satellite to the star collection, over the satellite's time period, and write the report to a file:

DeckAccess */Satellite/Satellite2 UseObjInterval StarCollection "Hipparcos 2 Mag 6" SortObj OutFile "C:\MyTemp\DATestSat2.rpt"

To calculate access from the satellite, add the first twelve satellites that have access to the Scenario and set the Model Scale of those Satellites to 2.5:

DeckAccess */Satellite/Satellite1 "1 Jul 2009 16:00:00.00" "1 Jul 2009 17:00:00.00" Satellite "C:\ProgramData\AGI\STK 9\Databases\Satellite\TLE350.tce" SortObj OutReport AddSatellites 12 SatModelScale 2.5

Return message

If you enter OutReport, Connect returns access data.

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Object Tools

