Description | Example | Return message | Group

GIS Swath

Export a sensor swath to a shapefile


GIS <ScenarioPath> Swath "<ShapefilePath>" <SensorObjectPath>


The Swath GIS command enables you to export the shape of a sensor swath to a GIS-compatible shapefile. Data points defining the shape of the sensor swath are exported to a shapefile. The "<ShapefilePath>" is the full directory and path to the shapefile you wish to create. You also need to specify the object from which you wish to export data using the <ObjectPath> parameter.

"<ShapefilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

You must first create a swath for a sensor before you can export the data using the GIS Swath command.


To create a swath for the Horizon sensor:

Swath */Satellite/Shuttle/Sensor/Horizon "1 Nov 2000 00:00:00.00" "1 Nov 2000 04:00:00.00"

To export the data for the previously created sensor swath to a shapefile:

GIS * Swath "C:\stk\GIS\HorizonSwath.shp" */Satellite/Shuttle/Sensor/Horizon

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



