Create and save a custom sensor pattern
PatternTool <SensorObjectPath> "<DateTime>" "<FilePath>" {Method} <Parameters>
The PatternTool command enables you to create a custom sensor pattern for a sensor attached to any type of vehicle by defining the perimeter points that define the boundaries of the sensor pattern.
"<DateTime>" defines the time of the sensor parent's position at which the pattern is to be created. "<FilePath>" is the file where the sensor pattern will be saved.
"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.
{Method} | <Parameters> | Description |
AzEl | <NumPoints> <AzValue> <ElValue> [<AzValue2> <ElValue2> ...] | Specify individual azimuth and elevation pairs (entered in degrees) to define the boundary of the sensor pattern. <NumPoints> indicates the number of point pairs in the command. |
LatLon | <NumPoints> <LatValue> <LonValue> [<LatValue2> <LonValue2> ...] | Specify individual latitude and longitude pairs (entered in degrees) to define the boundary of the sensor pattern. <NumPoints> indicates the number of point pairs in the command. |
AreaTarget | "<AreaTargetFile>" | This method will extract the points from the area target file and write them as a pattern file to the pattern file name specified. It will then assign the pattern file to the sensor.
"<AreaTargetFile>" is the path to a file on your local drive. |
To define a custom pattern for Sensor1 using 3 pairs of Latitude, Longitude points:
PatternTool */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 "1 Jan 2001 00:38:00.00" "f:\stk\SnPatTest1.Pattern" LatLon 3 7 39 14 52 17 37
To over-write the custom sensor pattern previously defined for Sensor1 (since the same name is used) with the new AzEl point pairs:
PatternTool */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 "1 Jan 2001 00:00:00.00" "f:\stk\SnPatTest1.Pattern" AzEl 3 100.6 22.2 327 22.4 182 23
To extract the points from the specified area target file and write them to Pattern1.Pattern:
PatternTool */Satellite/Satellite2/Sensor/Sensor2 "1 Jul 2006 12:00:00.000" "C:\TestFiles\Pattern1.Pattern" AreaTarget "C:\TestFiles\"
Return message
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):