Description | Example | Return message | Group


Generate a report file to display or save.


ReportCreate <ObjectPath> ({Option} <Value>)...

Related commands


The ReportCreate command generates a report, based on the style specified, and then saves the file in ASCII text format or displays that report on the screen. The valid {Option} <Value> pairs are described in the table below. The Style and Type options are required for this command.

{Option} <Value>Description
Style "<ReportStyleName>"Enter the name of the report style to create, the style must match an existing report style within STK. Available styles appear in the STK Report & Graph Manager window.

For details on how to specify "<ReportStyleName>", see Report Style Names.

The Style option is required.

Type {Display | Save | Export}Enter the type of the report to create.

Enter Display to have STK display the specified report on the screen.

Enter Save to save the report to a text file, specified with the File option.

Enter Export to save the report to a text file, using the format specified by the ExportConfig command. Use the File option to specify the Export file.

The Type option is required.

Type Display is only available when running STK Desktop.

File "<FilePath>"Enter the name of the file to be created.

The File option is required if Type is Save or Export.

"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

TimePeriod {{TimeInterval} | UseAccessTimes | Intervals {"<FilePath>" | "<IntervalOrListSpec>"}} Enter {TimeInterval} to define the start time and stop time for the report span. For valid {TimeInterval} values, see Time Options.

Or specify UseAccessTimes to only report data during access times between the <ObjectPath> and an AccessObject; you must also specify at least one AccessObject.

Or use the Intervals option to specify an STK interval file for the time period or an Interval or Interval List component specification. For help with creating the STK interval file, see Using STK > Data Management > Create & Import External Files > Interval List in STK Help. For information about "<IntervalOrListSpec>", see Component Specification.

"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

TimeStep {<Value> | Bound <Value> | Array "<TimeArraySpec>"}Enter the time step <Value> to be used in creating the report. Enter the value in seconds, between 0.000001 and 1000000000.0.

Or enter Bound <Value> to have the report steps calculated on a specific time boundary. Enter the value in seconds, between 0 and 3600 seconds. If 0 is entered then the default time step (usually 60 seconds) is used.

Or enter the Array keyword with a Time Array component specification to use the array times as time steps. For information about "<TimeArraySpec>" see Component Specification.

AccessObject <AccessObjectPath>If reporting access, specify the object to which access will be calculated. Access will be calculated from the object for which the command is being issued (specified using the <ObjectPath> parameter). This option can be entered multiple times, to specify multiple access objects.
AdditionalData "<Data>"Some Report Styles require additional or predata, such as a comparison object for the RIC report for a Satellite. For these types of reports you must include this option. More information on styles that require AdditionalData can be found at "Report Additional Data".
Summary {Include | Only}Summary data is not generally included for a Type Export report. Use this option, with the Type Export option, to have the summary data included in the exported report file. Specify the Include value to have the summary included with the rest of the report; use the Only value to have only the summary data reported.

This option is only applicable for Type Export.


To generate and export a Lighting Times report for the Shuttle satellite in the current scenario over a specified time period:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Shuttle Type Export Style "Lighting Times" File "c:\Data\shuttleposJ2000.csv" TimePeriod "1 Nov 2000 00:00:00.00" "1 Nov 2000 04:00:00.00" TimeStep 60

To generate and save an Access report from the Shuttle to Wallops as a standard text file:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Shuttle Type Save Style "Access" File "c:\Data\shuttlewalreport.txt" AccessObject */Facility/Wallops

To generate and save a report of Relative Motion between two Satellites:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Sat1 Type Save Style "Relative Motion" File "C:\stk\User\stkData\RelMotion.rpt" AdditionalData "Satellite/Sat2"
ReportCreate */Satellite/Sat1 Type Save Style "VehPos" File "C:\stk\User\stkData\NewRpt1.rpt"

To generate and save a report of vehicle position during access to Facility1:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Sat1 Type Save Style "VehPos" File "C:\stk\User\stkData\NewRpt2.rpt" AccessObject */Facility/Facility1 TimePeriod UseAccessTimes TimeStep 120.0

To generate and save a report of vehicle position during the specified time period:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Sat1 Type Save Style "VehPos" File "C:\stk\User\stkData\NewRpt4.rpt" TimePeriod "1 Oct 1999 02:00:00.00" "1 Oct 1999 04:00:00.00" TimeStep 60.0

To generate and save a report of the point's coordinates in the selected system:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Satellite1 Type Save Style "Point Choose System" File "c:/MyTemp/PointChoose.txt" AdditionalData "CentralBody/Earth Fixed"

To view a LLA Position report based on the intervals defined in and with a time step of 120 seconds:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Satellite1 Type Display Style "LLA Position" TimePeriod Intervals "C:/AUTO_TEST_DATA/STK/Scenarios/" TimeStep 120

To generate and save a report of the satellite's position covariance cross section, choosing the plane:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Satellite1 Style "PosCovarXPlane" Type Display AdditionalData "2.543 0.45 Satellite/Satellite1 BodyXY"

To generate and display a report of all segment information for Astrogator satellite TargetDV:

ReportCreate */Satellite/TargetDV Style "Segment Summary" Type Display

To generate and display a report of the segment information for the Astrogator satellite's Prop10_days segment:

ReportCreate */Satellite/TargetDV Style "Segment Summary" Type Display AdditionalData "MainSequence.SegmentList.Prop10_days"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Object Tools

