Description | Example | Return message | Group

SetAttitude Profile

Reset attitude to use the attitude profile and offsets specified


SetAttitude <ObjectPath> Profile {ProfileType} <Parameters>

Related commands


Use the SetAttitude Profile command to identify the orientation of the vehicle. Most attitude profiles are generated through the use of two vectors represented in the vehicle's body-fixed coordinate system and two vectors represented in the inertial coordinate system. The first vector is referred to as the alignment vector, the second as the constraint vector.

If an axis is constrained, that particular axis attempts to point to the desired location as closely as possible while still maintaining its proper relationship with the other axes defined in the coordinate system. When an axis is aligned, that axis points directly to the desired object, forcing the other axes to rotate accordingly.

Values for {ProfileType} are described in the table below. The Objects column indicates the specific vehicles for which a Profile type is valid: Ac = Aircraft, Gv = GroundVehicle, Lv = LaunchVehicle, Mi = Missile, Sa = Satellite, Sh = Ship.

{ProfileType}<Parameters>ObjectsProfile Long Name
NadirECIVelOffset <ConstrainOffset>Sa, Lv, MiNadir Alignment with ECI Velocity Constraint
NadirECFVelSa, Lv, MiNadir Alignment with ECF Velocity Constraint
NadirSunSaNadir Alignment with Sun Constraint
NadirOrbitSaNadir Alignment with Orbit Normal Constraint
ECIVelNadirSa, Lv, Mi, Ac, Gv, ShECI Velocity Alignment with Nadir Constraint
ECFVelNadirSa, Lv, Mi, Ac, Gv, ShECF Velocity Alignment with Nadir Constraint
ECFVelRadialSa, Lv, Mi, Ac, Gv, ShECF Velocity Alignment with Radial Constraint
NorthEastDownSa, Lv, Mi, Ac, Gv, ShNadir alignment with North constraint
SunNadirOffset <AlignOffset>Sa, MiSun Alignment with Nadir Constraint
SunEclipticSaSun Alignment with Ecliptic Normal Constraint
SunECIZSaSun Alignment with ECI Z Axis Constraint
SunOccultSaSun Alignment with Occultation Normal Constraint
CBIVelSun Sa, MiECI Velocity Alignment with Sun Constraint
SunPointingZOrbit Sa, MiSun Alignment with Z in Orbit Plane
XPOPInertialSaXPOP Inertial
YawNadir{OrientMethod} <OrientParameters>SaYaw to Nadir
AlignConstrain{AlignOrientMethod} <AlignOrientParams> "<AlignRefVector>" {CnstrOrientMethod} <CnstrOrientParams> "<CnstrRefVector>"Sa, Lv, Mi, Ac, Gv, ShAligned and Constrained
SpinAlignCrdn{BodyOrientMethod} <BodyOrientParams> "<RefVector>" <PrecessingRate> <PrecessingOffset> <SpinRate> <SpinOffset> <NutAngle> {EpochTime}Sa, Lv, MiSpin Aligned
SpinningInertial {OrientMethod} <OrientParameters> Body {OrientMethod} <OrientParameters> <SpinRate> <SpinOffset> {EpochTime}Sa, Lv, MiSpinning
SpinNadir<SpinRate> <SpinOffset> {EpochTime}SaSpin about Nadir
SpinSunSaSpin about Sun Vector
PrecessingSpinInertial {OrientMethod}<OrientParameters> Body {OrientMethod} <OrientParameters> <SpinRate> <PrecessionRate> <NutationAngle> <SpinOffset> <PrecessionOffset> {EpochTime} ["<ReferenceFrame>"]Sa, Lv, MiPrecessing Spin
InertFix{OrientMethod} <OrientParameters>Sa, MiInertially Fixed
Fixed{OrientMethod} <OrientParameters> ["<RefAxes>"]Sa, Lv, Mi, Ac, Gv, ShFixed in Axes
AircraftCoordTurn[<TimeOffset>]AcCoordinated Turn
GPSModelType {IIANominal | IIFNominal | IIRNominal | IIA | IIF | IIR | QZSS | GalileoNominal | GalileoIOV | GalileoFOC}SaGPS

For the Fixed {ProfileType}, the "<RefAxes>" cannot be the object's Body Axes.

For valid {EpochTime} values, see Time Options.

Enter <ConstrainOffset>, <AlignOffset>, <SpinOffset>, <RAAN>, <Declination>, <Yaw>, <Pitch>, <Roll>,<Euler1>, <Euler2>, and <Euler3> in degrees.

When using AlignConstrain, SpinAlignCrdn, and Fixed {ProfileTypes}, use the formats outline in the following table for specifying axes or vectors or both:

Specify an axes/vector of:FormatExample
Current VehicleIndicate the name of the axes/vector in quotes."LVLH" or "OrbitMomentum"
Central BodyIndicate the truncated path of the central body followed by a space and the axes/vector name, all in quotes."CentralBody/Earth Inertial" or "CentralBody/Earth Moon"
Other ObjectsIndicate the truncated path of the object, followed by a space and the axes/vector name, all in quotes."Satellite/attSat Ecc" or "Facility/Facility1 RadialCentric"

The current vehicle is specified by the <ObjectPath> in the command.

When using the <YawNadir>, <AlignConstrain>, <SpinAlignCrdn>, <Spinning> and <PrecessingSpin> {ProfileTypes}, {OrientMethod}, {AlignOrientMethod}, {CnstrOrientMethod}, and {BodyOrientMethod} can be:

{Align | Cnstr | BodyOrientMethod}<OrientParameters>
PR<Pitch> <Roll>
Euler<Angle1> <Angle2> <Sequence>, where <Sequence> can be <12>, <21>, <31>, or <32>
RaDec<RAAN> <Declination>
Axis<x> <y> <z>

When using the <InertFix> and <Fixed> {ProfileTpes}, {OrientMethod} can be:

{Align | Cnstr | BodyOrientMethod}<OrientParameters>
YPR<Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> <Sequence>, where <Sequence> can be <RPY>, <RYP>, <PRY>, <PYR>, <YRP> and <YPR>

Similarly to Euler angles, YPR angles specify attitude using three rotations in a chosen sequence: the rotation about the reference X axis is called roll (R), the rotation about the reference Y axis is called pitch (P), and the rotation about the reference Z axis is called yaw (Y). Sequences are identified using either numbers (1 is the X axis, 2 is the Y axis, 3 is the Z axis) or letters (R is the X axis, P is the Y axis, Y is the Z axis). Unlike Euler angles, the rotations are not made about axes defined by an earlier rotation. Instead, each rotation is made about the reference system's axes.

In YPR angles, the names yaw, pitch, and roll do NOT refer to the angles normally used in aviation; the terms yaw, pitch, and roll in aviation refer to 321 Euler angles.

Euler<Angle1> <Angle2> <Angle3> <Sequence>, where <Sequence> can be <121>, <123>, <131>, <132>, <212>, <213>, <231>, <232>, <312>, <313>, <321>, or <323>
Quat<Q1> <Q2> <Q3> <Q4>


To set the attitude profile to Fixed type with a vector of type Euler and a reference axes of CentralBody/Earth B1950:

SetAttitude */Satellite/aosSat Profile Fixed Euler 11 22 33 313 "CentralBody/Earth B1950"
SetAttitude */Satellite/aosSat Profile AlignConstrain PR 90.0 0.0 "GrvGrdTorque" Axis 0 0 1 "Satellite/attSat Sun"
SetAttitude */Satellite/aosSat Profile SpinAlignCrdn RaDec 10.0 88.0 "Facility/aosFac North" 1.2 0.01 2.4 0.0 22.4 "1 Jan 2001 00:00:00.00"

To set the attitude of the Shuttle so that its default attitude type is inertially fixed, with a Euler angles orientation method, and 11.1 22.1 33.1 values to be executed as 313:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Shuttle Profile InertFix Euler 11.1 22.1 33.1 313

To set the shuttle's attitude so that it spins about its Z body axis:

SetAttitude */Satellite/Shuttle Profile Spinning Inertial PR 10.0 20.0 Body axis 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.8 12.0 "1 Feb 2000 00:00:00.00"

To set a Precessing spin attitude, first without, then with a ReferenceFrame:

SetAttitude */Satellite/BasicSat1 Profile PrecessingSpin Inertial PR 0.0 12.0 Body PR 0.05 10.0 2.5 0.5 32.0 0.0 0.0 "1 Jan 2001 00:00:00.00"
SetAttitude */Satellite/BasicSat1 Profile PrecessingSpin Inertial PR 0.0 12.0 Body PR 0.05 10.0 2.5 0.5 32.0 0.0 0.0 "1 Jan 2001 00:00:00.00" "Satellite/Satellite1 J2000"

Return message

If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


