Description | Example | Return message | Group

SetAzElMask (Sensor)

Set the azimuth-elevation mask for a sensor


SetAzElMask <SensorObjectPath> {UseOption} [<Parameters>]


Use the SetAzElMask command to control the application of azimuth-elevation mask data for a sensor.

{UseOption} and <Parameters> can be:

MaskFile<MaskFilePath> {XAxis | YAxis | ZAxis}Set the az-el mask file and the primary boresight axis.

"<MaskFilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

The boresight axis is only required when using an AEM file; it is not required when using a body mask file (file extension .bmsk).

NoneN/AUse this option to turn off mask data currently being used.


To set the azimuth-elevation mask for the Horizon sensor using an external mask file along the Y axis:

SetAzElMask */Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Horizon MaskFile "C:\stk\User\stkDataCoverage\AlongHorizonBoresight.aem" YAxis

To turn off the use of an az-el mask file for the Horizon sensor:

SetAzElMask */Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Horizon None

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


