SetState GPS
Set the orbit state of a satellite from a GPS file.
SetState <SatObjectPath> GPS <PRN> [{SetStateOption} <Value> ...]
Related commands
The SetState GPS command sets the orbit state of the satellite using information from an Almanac file, either yuma or sem, or from a GPS file (sp3) and the satellite ID specified.
Valid {SetStateOption} and associated <Value> are:
{SetStateOption} | <Value> | Description |
UpdateMode | {None | Online | FromFiles} | Specify whether the GPS satellite will be updated automatically. The default value is None.
If you omit UpdateMode or set it to None, then the Catalog option is required. If UpdateMode is FromFiles, then the SourceFile option is required. |
NoProp | n/a | If you include NoProp on the command line, STK will set the satellite's state but will not propagate the satellite. |
TimePeriod | {TimeInterval} | Define the beginning and end of the satellite's time period.
For valid {TimeInterval} values, see Time Options. The default value is the scenario analysis time period. |
StepSize | <StepSize> | Enter a value representing the interval between calculated ephemeris output points in seconds. The default value is 60 seconds. |
WeekRefEpoch | {06Jan1980 | 22Aug1999 | 07Apr2019} | Enter the week reference epoch for the almanac file. The default value for WeekRefEpoch is determined as the latest prior date relative to the scenario epoch.
This option only applies when UpdateMode is None or FromFiles. |
RetrieveMethod | {All | First} | Set the method for retrieving TLEs. The default value for RetrieveMethod is All. This option only applies when UpdateMode is Online. |
SwitchMethod | {Epoch | MidPoint | TCA} | Set the method for switching between TLEs. This option is valid only if RetrieveMethod is All.
The default value for SwitchMethod is Epoch. This option only applies when UpdateMode is Online. |
Catalog | "<Filename>" | If UpdateMode is None (the default), then this option is required. |
SourceFile | "<Filename>" | If UpdateMode is FromFiles, then this option is required. |
"<Filename>", for Catalog or SourceFile, is the path to a file on your local drive.
Set the state for gpsSat1 using PRN 23 from the specified catalog file:
Set the state for gpsSat2 using PRN 7 from the specified file, propagate it over the specified time period:
Set the state for gpsSat1, specifying Retrieve and Switch methods:
Set the state for gpsSat2 using PRN 12 from the specified file, propagate it over the Scenario time period:
Return message
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):