Description | Example | Return message | Group

SetState SP3

Set the orbit state of a satellite from an SP3 file.


SetState <SatObjectPath> SP3 <Options>

Related commands


The SetState SP3 command sets the orbit state definition of the satellite using SP3 files of type 'a' and 'c' and enables you to use two or more files in sequence. STK uses these files to provide precise GPS orbits from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS).

You must enter at least one option on the command line. Valid <Options> are:

For a new SP3 satellite, you must add at least one file and specify the SatID.

AddFile "<Filename>"Enter an SP3 file to be added. You can enter this option more than once on a command line.

"<Filename>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

RemoveFile "<Filename>"Enter an SP3 file to be removed. You can enter this option more than once on a command line.

The SP3 satellite must have at least one file defined. The RemoveFile option will Nack if asked to remove the last file.

"<Filename>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

SatID <Value>Enter the satellite ID value. The SatID is an alphanumeric value that must match a satellite ID in the file.
InterpOrder <value>Enter a value representing the interpolation order. The value must be an integer between 1 and 13.
InterpMethod {Lagrange | Hermitian}Enter the interpolation method. The default value is Lagrange.

InterpMethod Hermitian is only valid if all files are configured to use it, i.e., they all have velocity natively in the file.

InterpAcrossBoundaries {Yes | No}If you enter Yes, STK allows interpolation samples to span different SP3 files; if No, then STK restricts interpolation samples to be in the same SP3 file as the requested time. In place of Yes/No, you can also use On/Off or True/False.
Extrapolate {Yes | No}If you enter Yes, STK will calculate an additional ephemeris step beyond the last data point provided by the SP3 file(s) assigned to the satellite. In place of Yes/No, you can also use On/Off or True/False.
NoPropIf you include NoProp on the command line, STK will set the satellite's state but will not propagate the satellite.
ReloadRefresh the SP3 files. This option is not valid with any other option. The satellite must be using the SP3 propagator.

You can enter AddFile and RemoveFile two or more times on a command line. If both options appear on one command line, the RemoveFile entries will be processed first.


Set the state, and options, for a satellite using the SP3 propagator:

SetState */Satellite/sp3 SP3 AddFile "C:\Users\stkUser\Documents\ExternalFiles\SP3\jpl14804.sp3" SatID G06
SetState */Satellite/sp3 SP3 InterpOrder 6 InterpAcrossBoundaries No Extrapolate No
SetState */Satellite/sp3 SP3 SatID G10

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


