Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO Overlay

Control the display and placement of overlay images in a 3D Graphics window.


VO <ScenarioPath> Overlay {Action} "<FilePath>" [{OverlayOption} <Value>]

Related commands


The VO Overlay command enables you to control the image overlays as well as the placement of those overlays shown in the 3D Graphics window.

{Action} can be Add, Modify, or Remove.

If {Action} is Add then "<FilePath>" must contain the complete filepath, including directory specification. If {Action} is Modify or Remove, then the "<FilePath>" can be the full path or just the filename without a path. If you enter just a filename, STK will find the first occurrance of the overlay that matches that filename and remove or modify it.

To modify the position of the Microsoft Bing™ Maps logo, see the MSBingMaps section below.

{OverlayOption} and <Value> can be:

ShowOnDisplays the selected image in the 3D Graphics window and enables you to modify the following attributes.
OffHides the selected image in the 3D Graphics window.
XOriginLeftThe horizontal attach point for an image.
XPosition<Value>The value range is 0-1000, representing the offset from the horizontal attach point.
YOriginTopThe vertical attach point for an image.
YPosition<Value>The value range is 0-1000, representing the offset from the vertical attach point.
Scale<ScaleValue>0.001 - 1000.0 value to which the image will be scaled relative to its original dimensions. The default value is a one-to-one scale (1.0 value). Values lower than one will make the image appear smaller; values larger than one will make the image appear larger.
TransparentOnMakes the image background transparent.
OffMakes the image background visible.
FirstPixelTranspColor{On | Off}Enter On to use the first pixel in the image to determine which color will be the transparent color.
WindowID{<WinNumber> | All}Enter the number of the 3D Graphics window to which the changes should be applied. Enter All to have an overlay displayed or changed in all 3D Graphics windows.

The Banner value for XOrigin and YOrigin stretches the image along the X or Y axis. As a result, the image may appear stretched in one direction or another, depending on the original size and aspect ratio of the image.

MSBingMaps Options

To modify the origin of the Microsoft Bing Maps logo, use this format:

VO <ScenarioPath> Overlay Modify MSBingMaps {Options}

The {Options} can be:

XOrigin {Left | Right | Center}The horizontal attach point for the logo.
YOrigin {Top | Bottom | Center}The vertical attach point for the logo.
WindowID {<WinNumber> | All}Enter the number of the 3D Graphics window to which the changes should be applied. Enter All to have the logo changed in all 3D Graphics windows.


To display the AirForceStar image in the upper right corner of 3D Graphics window 2 with a transparent background:

VO * Overlay Add "C:\STKInstall\STKData\VO\Textures\AirForceStar.tga" XOrigin Right YOrigin Top Transparent On WindowID 2

To modify the image set to display in the previous command so that its background is visible, and scale the image down slightly:

VO * Overlay Modify "AirForceStar.tga" Scale 0.7 Transparent Off WindowID 2

To change the position of the Microsoft Bing Maps logo:

VO * Overlay Modify MSBingMaps xOrigin center yOrigin center

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



VO Objects

