VO Position Covariance
Set or modify Position Covariance graphics properties
VO <VehObjectPath> PositionCovariance {CovarOption} <Parameters>
The VO PositionCovariance command enables you to define the graphical display of a 3D covariance ellipsoid.
Valid values for {CovarOption} <Parameters> are:
{CovarOption} | <Parameters> | Description |
Scale | <ScaleValue> | Uses the specified scale value to directly size the contour. Enter a value between 0.0 and 5.1. |
UseProbability <ProbValue> | Uses the specified percentage of probability encompassed by the ellipsoid to indirectly size the contour. Enter a value between 0.0 and 99.9. | |
Basic | {AttrOption} <AttrValue> [{AttrOption2} <AttrValue2>...] | Use this to turn on the display of covariance graphics and assign graphics attributes that apply for all times. {AttrOption} and <AttrValue> are described in the table below. |
Intervals | {On | Off} | Turns on or off the use of time intervals during which covariance graphics will appear. |
Load "<Filepath\Filename.int>" | Clears the list of display intervals for covariance graphics and replaces them with the intervals specified in the interval file.
"<Filepath\Filename.int>" is the path to a file on your local drive. | |
Import "<TimeComponent>" | Adds the intervals specified in the Interval or Interval List "<TimeComponent>" to the list of display intervals for covariance graphics.
For information about "<TimeComponent>", see Component Specification. | |
Add <NumIntervals> "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" ["<StartTime>" "<StopTime>"...] [{AttrOption} <AttrValue>...] | Adds time intervals during which covariance graphics will appear to the list of existing intervals and assign their graphics attributes. {AttrOption} and <AttrValue> are described in the table below. | |
Replace <NumIntervals> "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" ["<StartTime>" "<StopTime>"...] [{AttrOption} <AttrValue>...] | Replaces existing interval list with input intervals. {AttrOption} and <AttrValue> are described in the table below. | |
Remove "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" | Removes a single interval. | |
Clear | Removes all intervals and turn interval graphics off. | |
IntervalDefault | {AttrOption} <AttrValue> [{AttrOption2} <AttrValue2>...] | Sets the default attributes, or the display attributes that will be assigned to times between the specified time intervals. {AttrOption} and <AttrValue> are described in the table below. |
{AttrOption} <AttrValue> can be:
{AttrOption} <AttrValue> | Description |
Show {On | Off} | Sets the option On or Off. |
UseCustomColor {On | Off} | Enter On to have the position covariance ellipsoid use the Color {Color} you specify. If this is Off, the ellipsoid defaults to being the same color as the vehicle. You can only set UseCustomColor to On when you choose the Basic graphics option, not the Intervals option. If you set this to On, you must specify Color {Color} in the command. |
Color {Color} | For valid {Color} options, see Common Options. |
LineWidth <Width> | Enter a pixel width value between 1.0 and 10.0. |
Translucency <Value> | Enter a value between 0 and 100 for the percent translucency. A value of 100 means the ellipsoid will be invisible. |
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Scale 4.96
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Scale UseProbability 34.12
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Basic Show On UseCustomColor On Color blue LineWidth 4
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Basic Show On UseCustomColor On Color yellow Translucency 50
To turn on the use of intervals for position covariance graphics:
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals On
To turn off the use of intervals:
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals Off
VO */Satellite/CovarSat PositionCovariance IntervalDefault Show Off Color blue LineWidth 2
To remove all intervals:
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals Clear
To replace the existing intervals with the intervals in the Target1.int file:
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals Load "c:\stk\project1\Target1.int"
To add two 1 hour and 20 minute intervals--one beginning at 12:38 a.m. and ending at 1:58 a.m. and the other beginning at 5:38 a.m. and ending at 6:58 a.m.:
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals Add 2 "1 Jan 2001 00:38:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 01:58:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 05:38:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 06:58:00.00"
To remove the interval beginning at 12:40 a.m. and ending at 1:00 a.m.:
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals Remove "1 Jan 2001 00:40:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 01:00:00.00"
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals Replace 2 "1 Jan 2001 00:38:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 01:58:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 05:38:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 06:58:00.00"
To add two 1 hour and 20 minute intervals that will display as a green line of 3 pixel width--one beginning at 12:38 a.m. and ending at 1:58 a.m. and the other beginning at 5:38 a.m. and ending at 6:58 a.m.
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals Add 2 "1 Jan 2001 00:38:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 01:58:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 05:38:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 06:58:00.00" Color green LineWidth 3
To add two 1 hour and 20 minute display intervals for position covariance graphics that will display as a magenta line of 2 pixel width--one beginning at 2:38 a.m. and ending at 3:58 a.m. and the other beginning at 7:38 a.m. and ending at 8:58 a.m.
VO */Satellite/attSat PositionCovariance Intervals Add 2 "1 Jan 2001 02:38:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 03:58:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 07:38:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 08:58:00.00" Color magenta LineWidth 2
Return message
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):