Define the basic properties of a Volumetric object
Volumetric <VolumetricPath> {Define | Compute | Clear | Reload | Export] [<Parameters>]
Related commands
The Volumetric command enables you to define and use a specified volumetric instance.
Define command
With the Define command, you can define the Volumetric in one of two ways: (1) specify a volume grid and, optionally, a spatial calculation to evaluate on the volume grid, (2) specify a file that contains a volume grid reference and satisfaction intervals for each grid point.
If the volumetric is defined by specifying a file, then no other Define parameters are valid.
Parameters for the Volumetric Define command can be:
Define <Parameters> | Description |
VolumeGrid "<VolumeGrid>" | Specify the grid that defines the volumetric. The default grid is the Earth GlobalCartographicUpTo1000km Volume Grid. |
SpatialCalculation { Off | "<SpatialCalc>" } | Specifies a spatial calculation to evaluate on the volume grid.
The default is Off. |
Interval "<Intervals>" | Specifies an interval or interval list component.
The default interval is the scenario AnalysisInterval. |
EvaluateCalc {AtInstant | TimeArray "<TimeArray>" | Step <step>} | Specifies the method used to evaluate a spatial calculation on a volume grid. The choices are at an instant in time, at times from a time array, or at specified time steps. Enter <step> in Connect time units. The default is a time step of 60.0 seconds. |
AutoRecompute {On | Off} | Enter On to automatically recompute when the volumetric definition is updated.
The default is Off. |
SaveMode {Save | DontSave | ComputeOnLoad} |
The default is Save. |
File "<File>" [ReferenceSystem "<System>"] | Use the File option to specify a file that contains a volume grid reference and satisfaction intervals for each grid point, in HDF5 format.
The ReferenceSystem option is only valid for HDF5 format files that do not include a reference system. If a file does not include a reference system and none is specified, the default will be Earth Fixed. "<File>" is the path to a file on your local drive. No other parameters are valid if the volumetric is defined using File "<File>". |
Compute, Clear, and Reload commands
Use the Compute and Clear options to compute or clear computations for a volumetric. These options have no other parameters.
The Compute and Clear options are not valid for a volumetric defined using a file.
The Reload option is valid only for a volumetric defined using a file.
Export command
Exports the computed data for a volumetric object in HDF5 format.
The syntax for the Volumetric command with the Export option is:
Volumetric <VolumetricPath> Export "<ExportFilePath>" {LinkGrid | EmbedGrid [IncludeCartPoints] [IncludeNativePoints] [IncludeRefSystem]}
"<ExportFilePath>" must have .h5 as the extension.
"<ExportFilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.
All Include values, for EmbedGrid, default to Off.
The Export option is valid only for a volumetric that has a volume grid and a spatial calculation defined.
To create a new Volumetric object, define it and compute it:
To export the data from VolConnect1:
To create a new Volumetric object, define it as file based, and reload the file:
To create a new Volumetric object, defined with a HDF5 format file, that does not include a reference system:
Return message
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):