STK Conjunction Analysis Tool (CAT)

There are a number of commands for STK's Conjunction Analysis Tools (CAT) -- Close Approach, Advanced CAT and LaserCAT -- that can be executed through Connect. For most commands associated with CAT, the actual command name is CAT or a phrase beginning with the CAT acronym. The generic structure of most CAT commands is:

CAT <ObjectPath> {CATOption} <Parameters>

The {CATOption} indicates the action being executed by the command, and will change depending on the action you wish to take. Additional <Parameters> may be required depending on the {CATOption} specified.

Command Format Description Version
ACAT ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> {CalculateOptions} <Parameters> Set Advanced CAT properties 12.10
ACAT LogFile ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> LogFile {On | Off} {Overwrite | Append} {Buffer | Flush} "<FilePath>" Write information regarding the effects of filtering on computations to a log file 4.2.1
ACAT MsgAlertOnHit ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> MsgAlertOnHit {On | Off | True | False} Toggle the Advanced CAT message alert on hit flag 5.0.4
ACAT Probability ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> Probability {Parameters} Set the parameters used to compute conjunction probability for nonlinear relative motion. 9.0
ACAT RelationFile ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> RelationFile {On | Off | "<FilePath>"} Set a relationship file for STK to use during Advanced CAT computations. 12.10
ACAT SSCFile ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> SSCFile {On | Off | "<FilePath>"} Set an SSC reference file for STK to use during Advanced CAT computations. 12.10
ACATEvents_RM ACATEvents_RM <AdvCatObjPath> [{Options}] Return event information for conjunction probability computations. 9.0
ACATProbability_R ACATProbability_R <AdvCatObjPath> Primary <Name> Secondary <Name> TCA "<DateTime>" Method {Method} Return the value of a conjunction probability computation. 10
CAT CAT <ObjectPath> {Option} Set properties for a close approach computation. 12.10
CAT_RM CAT_RM <ObjectPath> Range <RangeVal> Compute close approaches to a vehicle from objects in the current CAT satellite database 4.1.1
CentralBody_R CentralBody_R <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Returns the name of the central body of any object 10.0.2
Copy Copy <ApplicationPath> <CopyFromObjectPath> [{CopyOption}] Copy and paste an object. 8.0
ExternalData ExternalData <ObjectPath> {DataOption} [<Parameters>] Allow for the association and management of time ordered data computed outside of STK with STK objects. 10
GetDescription GetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} Return the description of an object 4.0.6
Graphics Marker Graphics <ObjectPath> Marker {MarkerType} ["<FilePath>" [{CustomOptions}]] Define a marker to represent an object in a 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics ObjectStateInWin Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of objects' graphics in the 2D window. 7.0
Graphics WindowState Graphics <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 2D window. 10
LaserCAT LaserCAT <ObjectPath> {AvoidanceOptions} <Parameters> Set LaserCAT properties 12.10
LaunchWindow LaunchWindow <ObjectPath> {Option} Set properties for a launch window analysis. 12.10
LaunchWindow_RM LaunchWindow_RM <ObjectPath> Range <RangeVal> Analyze a launch window for a missile or launch vehicle. 10
Load Load <ApplicationPath> {<ClassPath> | VDF} "<FilePath>" Open an existing scenario or insert an object into the current scenario 8.0
New New <ApplicationPath> <ClassPath> <NewObjectName> {NewOptions} Create a new scenario or add a new object to the current scenario 8.1
NewMulti NewMulti <ApplicationPath> <ClassPathOfObjectToCreate> <NumToCreate> <NewName1> [<NewName2>...] [NoDefault] [Ignore] Create multiple instances of new objects 4.2
Rename Rename <ObjectPath> <NewName> Rename an object 4.0
Save Save <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> ["<SaveInDirectory>"] Save a scenario or object within a scenario 4.0
SetAsDefault SetAsDefault <ApplicationPath> [<ObjectPath>] Save the indicated object as the default 4.2
SetDescription SetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} [{Option}] "<Description>" Set the long or short description of a scenario or object 6.2
Spice Spice <ScenarioPath> {Action} [<Parameters>] Loads, removes, or reorders Spice ephemeris files. 12.4
Spice_RM Spice_RM <ScenarioPath> {FileList, BodyList, BodySegments, FileSegments} <Parameters> Returns information about Spice files. 12.4
Unload Unload <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> [RemAssignedObjs] Remove an object or scenario 4.0
UnloadMulti UnloadMulti <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Remove an object and all of its subobjects from the current scenario 9.1
VO AdvCATAttributes VO <AdvCATObjPath> AdvCATAttributes {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] Set 3D graphics for an advanced CAT object 10
VO ObjectStateInWin VO <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 3D window. 7.0
VO WindowState VO <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 3D window. 10