Planets & Stars

There are a number of commands designed to help you to control the definition and graphical display of planets and stars that can be executed through Connect.

Command Format Description Version
CalculationTool CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define coordinate systems and elements used in constructing them, including templates. 12.10
CalculationTool Condition CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition" | "ConditionTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Condition components and templates. 11.2
CalculationTool Condition Set CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition Set" | "Condition SetTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Condition Set components and templates. 11.5
CalculationTool Parameter Set CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Parameter Set" | "Parameter SetTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ParameterSetType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Parameter Set components and templates. 10
CalculationTool Scalar Calculation CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Scalar Calculation" | "Scalar CalculationTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ScalarCalculationType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Scalar Calculation components and templates. 12.10
CalculationTool_R CalculationTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about CalculationTool components. 11
CalculationTool_RM CalculationTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about CalculationTool components. 10.1
CentralBody_R CentralBody_R <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Returns the name of the central body of any object 10.0.2
Chain Processing Delay ChainProcessingDelay <ObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Set the processing delay for an object. 12.8
Copy Copy <ApplicationPath> <CopyFromObjectPath> [{CopyOption}] Copy and paste an object. 8.0
Define (Planet) Define <PlanetObjectPath> {Method} <Parameters> Define the basic properties of a planet 12.10
Define (Star) Define <StarObjectPath> {StarOption} <Parameters> Define the basic properties of a star 9.2.1
ExternalData ExternalData <ObjectPath> {DataOption} [<Parameters>] Allow for the association and management of time ordered data computed outside of STK with STK objects. 10
GetDescription GetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} Return the description of an object 4.0.6
Graphics Label Graphics <ObjectPath> Label {Options} Control the display of object labels 9.0
Graphics LineStyle Graphics <ObjectPath> LineStyle {LineStyle} Set the line style for a LineTarget, AreaTarget, Sensor or Planet. 6.2
Graphics LineWidth Graphics <ObjectPath> LineWidth <LineWidth> Set the line width for a LineTarget, AreaTarget, Sensor or Planet. 6.2
Graphics Marker Graphics <ObjectPath> Marker {MarkerType} ["<FilePath>" [{CustomOptions}]] Define a marker to represent an object in a 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics ObjectStateInWin Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of objects' graphics in the 2D window. 7.0
Graphics SetColor Graphics <ObjectPath> SetColor {Color} [{Item}] Set the color of a label, marker, ground track, swath or polygon of an object 10
Graphics Show Graphics <ObjectPath> Show {On | Off} To turn on or off the graphics display of an object. 10
Graphics WindowState Graphics <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 2D window. 10
Load Load <ApplicationPath> {<ClassPath> | VDF} "<FilePath>" Open an existing scenario or insert an object into the current scenario 8.0
New New <ApplicationPath> <ClassPath> <NewObjectName> {NewOptions} Create a new scenario or add a new object to the current scenario 8.1
NewMulti NewMulti <ApplicationPath> <ClassPathOfObjectToCreate> <NumToCreate> <NewName1> [<NewName2>...] [NoDefault] [Ignore] Create multiple instances of new objects 4.2
Rename Rename <ObjectPath> <NewName> Rename an object 4.0
Save Save <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> ["<SaveInDirectory>"] Save a scenario or object within a scenario 4.0
SaveAs SaveAs <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> "<FilePath>" Save a scenario or object within a scenario with a different name 4.2
SetAsDefault SetAsDefault <ApplicationPath> [<ObjectPath>] Save the indicated object as the default 4.2
SetConstraint (Planets & Stars) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {State} Set a constraint for a planet or star 12.9
SetConstraintOptions SetConstraintOptions <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {Options} Set constraint options for an object's active constraints. 12.9
SetDescription SetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} [{Option}] "<Description>" Set the long or short description of a scenario or object 6.2
Spice Spice <ScenarioPath> {Action} [<Parameters>] Loads, removes, or reorders Spice ephemeris files. 12.4
Spice_RM Spice_RM <ScenarioPath> {FileList, BodyList, BodySegments, FileSegments} <Parameters> Returns information about Spice files. 12.4
StarData_RM StarData_RM <ScenarioPath> Return data about stars 9.2.1
SubObjUnload SubObjUnload <ObjectPath> Unload all subobjects of a scenario or object 4.0
TimeTool TimeTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define components defining instances or intervals of time. 12.10
TimeTool Interval TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Interval" | "IntervalTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{IntervalType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Interval components and templates. 12.10
TimeTool Interval List TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Interval List" | "Interval ListTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{IntervalListType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Interval List components and templates. 12.10
TimeTool Time Array TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Array" | "Time ArrayTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeArrayType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Time Array components and templates. 11.7.1
TimeTool Time Instant TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Instant" | "Time InstantTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeInstantType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Time Instant components and templates. 10
TimeTool_R TimeTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about TimeTool components. 10
TimeTool_RM TimeTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about TimeTool components. 10.1
Unload Unload <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> [RemAssignedObjs] Remove an object or scenario 4.0
UnloadMulti UnloadMulti <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Remove an object and all of its subobjects from the current scenario 9.1
VO Attributes (Star) VO <StarPath> Attributes {AttributeOption} <Parameters> Set the 3D attributes of a Star object 10.1
VO ObjectStateInWin VO <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 3D window. 7.0
VO WindowState VO <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 3D window. 10
VectorTool VectorTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define coordinate systems and elements used in constructing them, including templates. 12.10
VectorTool Angle VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Angle | AngleTemplate} <AngleName> [{AngleType} <AngleTypeParams>] Define and modify Angle geometry components and templates. 10
VectorTool Axes VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Axes | AxesTemplate} <AxesName> [{AxesType} <AxesTypeParams>] Define and modify Axes geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool Plane VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Plane | PlaneTemplate} <PlaneName> [{PlaneType} <PlaneTypeParams>] Define and modify Plane geometry components and templates. 11.2
VectorTool Point VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Point | PointTemplate} <PointName> [{PointType} <PointTypeParams>] Define and modify Point geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool System VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {System | SystemTemplate} <SystemName> [{SystemType} <SystemTypeParams>] Define and modify System geometry components and templates. 10
VectorTool Vector VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Vector | VectorTemplate} <VectorName> [{VectorType} <VectorTypeParams>] Define and modify Vector geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool_R VectorTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about VectorTool components. 10.1
VectorTool_RM VectorTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about VectorTool components. 10.1