Antenna Gain Matrix
Provides information on the antenna gain pattern in a matrix format. The matrix format shows the antenna gain pattern in two dimensions.Available for these objects: Antenna, Radar, Receiver, Transmitter
Type: Fixed data. Intended to be used only with elements from this same data provider.
Availability: Reports | Graphs
Pre-data required: "{Parameters}". {Parameters} can be entered in any order. The following {Parameters} are required: MinElevation <Value> MaxElevation <Value> ElevationStep <Value> MinAzimuth <Value> MaxAzimuth <Value> AzimuthStep <Value>. The following {Parameters} are optional: Time '<DateTimeValue>' CoordinateSystem { Polar | Rectangular | 'Spherical Az/El' | 'UV Grid' | 'Elev Over Azi' }. The Min, Max and Step <Value> are entered in scenario angle units. The Min and Max values should be between 0 and 360 degrees. The Min must be less than the Max. The Step value should be between 0.001 and 30.0 degrees. The Time option allows the user to enter the time of the computation. If not entered the current scenario animation time will be used. If entered, the '<DateTimeValue>' is either in Object Model Date units (when using Object Model) or Scenario Date units, and is enclosed in single quotes.
Data Provider Elements
Name | Dimension | Type | Description |
Elevation | Angle | Real Number or Text | The angle between the antenna boresight vector and the vector in the direction of the computed gain value, both in the antenna coordinate system. |
GainMatrix | Unitless | Text | Reports a matrix of gain values for a corresponding range of elevation and azimuth pairs. The report is arranged with elevation angle as the rows of the matrix and azimuth angle as the columns of the matrix. |