Data Provider Groups | Data Provider Elements

Apparent LLA State

The apparent position and velocity of the object, expressed in LLA elements, as a function of time. The coordinate system is the requested frame of the scenario's central body. The apparent position is computed with respect to the scenario's central body; the rates are computed as observed in the scenario central body requested frame.

Available for these objects: Planet

Type: Time-varying data.

Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays | Strip Charts

Data Provider Groups

TrueOfDateRotatingA variation of the Fixed system where pole wander is ignored. The equator is the same as the TrueOfDate equator and the frame spins about the TrueOfDate z-axis.
FixedA coordinate system attached to the central body and rotating with it. The z-axis is nominally along the rotation axis.

Data Provider Elements

TimeDateReal Number or TextTime.
LatLatitudeReal Number or TextThe detic latitude (i.e., angle between the detic subpoint's surface normal vector and the XY plane.).
LonLongitudeReal Number or TextThe detic longitude (i.e., angle from the X-axis locating the projection of the detic subpoint's surface normal vector onto the XY plane.) Longitude increases in the direction found using the right-hand rule about the Z-axis.
AltDistanceReal NumberThe altitude value (i.e., magnitude of the relative position vector between the object and its detic subpoint).
Lat RateAngleRateReal NumberThe rate of change of the detic latitude.
Lon RateAngleRateReal NumberThe rate of change of the detic longitude.
Alt RateRateReal NumberThe rate of change of the altitude value.