Data Provider Elements

J2000 Angles

Earth Orientation information based on J2000 system.

Available for these objects: Scenario

Type: Time-varying data.

Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays | Strip Charts

Data Provider Elements

TimeDateReal Number or TextTime.
Apparent GHAAngleReal Number or TextThe sidereal Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) that includes equation of the equinox.
Mean GHA 0hUT1AngleReal Number or TextThe sidereal Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) at 0 in Universal Time (UT1) of input day. The angle does not include equation of the equinox.
Mean GHAAngleReal Number or TextThe sidereal Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) that does not include equation of the equinox.
MeanObliquityAngleReal Number or TextObliquity of the ecliptic plane that does not include the effect of the nutation.
TrueObliquityAngleReal Number or TextObliquity of the ecliptic plane that includes the effect of the nutation.
UT1-UTCTimeReal NumberThe difference between Universal Time (UT1) and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
EqnOfEquinoxAngleReal Number or TextThe effect of the nutation on the Right Ascension of the equinox.
MJDUnitlessReal NumberModified Julian Date (UTC time scale).
Nut. in ObliquityAngleReal Number or TextThe effect of the nutation on the obliquity of the ecliptic plane.
Nut. in LongitudeAngleReal Number or TextThe effect of the nutation on the celestial longitude.
Pole Wander XAngleReal Number or TextSmall angle related to changes in orientation of the earth pole due to continental drift.
Pole Wander YAngleReal Number or TextSmall angle related to changes in orientation of the earth pole due to continental drift.
Apparent GHA withUT1UTCAngleReal Number or TextThe sidereal Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) that accounts for the difference between UT1 and UTC time scales and includes equation of the equinox.
Mean GHA withUT1UTCAngleReal Number or TextThe sidereal Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) that accounts for the difference between UT1 and UTC time scales, but does not include equation of the equinox.
EqnOfTimeTimeReal NumberThe difference between the apparent and mean solar times.
Solar DeclinationAngleReal Number or TextDeclination of the sun in the earth centered J2000 coordinate system.
Solar Right AscensionLongitudeReal Number or TextRight Ascension of the sun in the earth centered J2000 coordinate system.