Data Provider Elements

Selected Point DOP Best N

Report DOP value and asset selection for the point currently selected via the figure of merit grid inspector. Asset selection is based on achieving minimum GDOP. Only provides information when the FigureOfMerit is defined as DOP.

A point must be selected from the figure of merit grid inspector to use this data provider.

Available for these objects: FigureOfMerit

Type: Time-varying data. Intended to be used only with elements from this same data provider.

Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays | Strip Charts

Data Provider Elements

TimeDateReal Number or TextTime.
DOP ValueUnitlessReal NumberValue of the flavor of dilution of precision specified in the definition of the FOM.
Best N NamesUnitlessTextNames of the assets providing minimum GDOP.
Best N Full NamesUnitlessTextNames, including name of parent object if applicable, of the assets providing minimum GDOP. The full name is required for clarity in cases where the assets are sensors, transmitters, receivers, etc.
Number Of AssetsUnitlessIntegerNumber of assets currently providing coverage.