Data Provider Groups | Data Provider Elements

Velocity Projected Covariance

Provides data about velocity covariance matrix relative to selected set of axes. The covariance is transformed into the requested reference frame using a 3x3 coordinate transformation matrix. The result of this transformation is that the original covariance is simply expressed relative to the new axes and the effects of the rotation of the axes are ignored. Any set of axes defined in the Vector Geometry Tool is available for use, including user defined sets. The data requires position/velocity covariance to be defined for the object.

Available for these objects: LaunchVehicle, Missile, Satellite

Type: Time-varying data.

Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays | Strip Charts

Data Provider Groups

Any Axes component owned by the object is available for use, including user defined ones. Use the Analysis Workbench listing or the Report Manager->Report Content Properties tool to determine the actual set of components that can be used for a specific object.

Data Provider Elements

TimeDateReal Number or TextTime.
Sigma XdRateReal NumberSquare root of the fourth diagonal component of the covariance matrix.
Sigma YdRateReal NumberSquare root of the fifth diagonal component of the covariance matrix.
Sigma ZdRateReal NumberSquare root of the sixth diagonal component of the covariance matrix.
Correlation XdYdUnitlessReal NumberXdYd correlation coefficient of the covariance matrix.
Correlation XdZdUnitlessReal NumberXdZd correlation coefficient of the covariance matrix.
Correlation YdZdUnitlessReal NumberYdZd correlation coefficient of the covariance matrix.
VelCovMtx XXRate SquaredReal NumberXX Component of the Velocity Covariance Matrix.
VelCovMtx YXRate SquaredReal NumberYX Component of the Velocity Covariance Matrix.
VelCovMtx YYRate SquaredReal NumberYY Component of the Velocity Covariance Matrix.
VelCovMtx ZXRate SquaredReal NumberZX Component of the Velocity Covariance Matrix.
VelCovMtx ZYRate SquaredReal NumberZY Component of the Velocity Covariance Matrix.
VelCovMtx ZZRate SquaredReal NumberZZ Component of the Velocity Covariance Matrix.
YPR321 yawAngleReal Number or TextYaw angle between the two sets of axes. Defines rotation about the z-axis of the reference set, which occurs first when using 321 (or YPR) sequence in YPR angles representation.
YPR321 pitchAngleReal Number or TextPitch angle between the two sets of axes. Defines rotation about the y-axis of the reference set, which occurs second when using 321 (or YPR) sequence in YPR angles representation.
YPR321 rollAngleReal Number or TextRoll angle between the two sets of axes. Defines rotation about the x-axis of the reference set, which occurs third when using 321 (or YPR) sequence in YPR angles representation.
Euler323 precessionAngleReal Number or TextPrecession angle between the two sets of axes. Defines rotation about the z-axis of the reference set, which occurs first when using 323 sequence in Euler angles representation.
Euler323 nutationAngleReal Number or TextNutation angle between the two sets of axes. Defines rotation about the y-axis of the set rotated through precession, which occurs second when using 323 sequence in Euler angles representation.
Euler323 spinAngleReal Number or TextSpin angle between the two sets of axes. Defines rotation about the z-axis of the set rotated through precession and nutation, which occurs third when using 323 sequence in Euler angles representation.
q1UnitlessReal NumberFirst element of quaternion (and of its vector part) representing the orientation between the two sets of axes.
q2UnitlessReal NumberSecond element of quaternion (and of its vector part) representing the orientation between the two sets of axes.
q3UnitlessReal NumberThird element of quaternion (and of its vector part) representing the orientation between the two sets of axes.
q4UnitlessReal NumberFourth element of quaternion (its scalar part) representing the orientation between the two sets of axes.
wxAngleRateReal NumberFirst component of angular velocity vector between the two sets of axes. Represents projection of angular velocity vector onto x-axis of the selected set.
wyAngleRateReal NumberSecond component of angular velocity vector between the two sets of axes. Represents projection of angular velocity vector onto y-axis of the selected set.
wzAngleRateReal NumberThird component of angular velocity vector between the two sets of axes. Represents projection of angular velocity vector onto z-axis of the selected set.
w magAngleRateReal NumberMagnitude of angular velocity vector between the two sets of axes. Represents relative speed of rotation between the two sets of axes.
RightAscension of wAngleReal Number or TextRight ascension of angular velocity vector between the two sets of axes. Represents the angle between the x-axis of the selected set and projection of the angular velocity vector onto the xy-plane of the selected set. The angle is measured counterclockwise about the z-axis of the selected set.
Declination of wAngleReal Number or TextDeclination of angular velocity vector between the two sets of axes. Represents the angle between the angular velocity vector and its projection onto the xy-plane of the selected set. The angle is positive when the angular velocity vector is directed toward positive z-axis of the selected set.
Eigen-AngleAngleReal Number or TextAngle of eigen-rotation between the two sets of axes, i.e. a single axis rotation that aligns the two sets of axes.
Eigen-Axis xUnitlessReal NumberFirst component of a unit vector representing the axis of eigen-rotation between the two sets of axes. Defines instantaneous projection of the eigen-axis onto x-axis of either of the two sets of axes.
Eigen-Axis yUnitlessReal NumberSecond component of a unit vector representing the axis of eigen-rotation between the two sets of axes. Defines instantaneous projection of the eigen-axis onto y-axis of either of the two sets of axes.
Eigen-Axis zUnitlessReal NumberThird component of a unit vector representing the axis of eigen-rotation between the two sets of axes. Defines instantaneous projection of the eigen-axis onto z-axis of either of the two sets of axes.