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GoldenSectionFindExtremumCheckInitialBracketingPoints Method (Double, Double, Double)

Checks whether the given values will produce a valid initial bracketing interval.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.NumericalMethods.Advanced
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 24.1.418.0 (24.1.418.0)
public ExtremumKind CheckInitialBracketingPoints(
	double a,
	double b,
	double c


Type: SystemDouble
The value of the independent variable at one of the limits of the bracketing interval.
Type: SystemDouble
The value of the independent variable between the limits of the bracketing interval.
Type: SystemDouble
The value of the independent variable at one of the limits of the bracketing interval.

Return Value

Type: ExtremumKind
The type of extremum if the values will produce a valid interval; otherwise Invalid.
See Also