NavstarISGps200D Fields |
The NavstarISGps200D type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DegreesPerSemicircle |
Degrees Per Semi-circle
| |
EarthOdot |
IS-GPS-200D definition of the argument of perigee Dot value for the Earth.
| |
IZero |
Initial inclination value for the SEM almanac propagation.
The following values are equivalent: 0.3 semi-circles, 0.94247779607694 radians or 54 degrees
| |
Mu |
IS-GPS-200D definition of the Mu value for the Earth.
| |
PI |
IS-GPS-200D definition of the value for PI.
| |
RadiansPerSemicircle |
Radians per Semi-circle
| |
SemicirclesPerDegree |
Semicircles Per Degree
| |
SemicirclesPerRadian |
Semi-circles per radian (1 semi-circle is PI radians)
| |
SpeedOfLight |
IS-GPS-200D definition of the speed of light.