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AntennaSignalProcessorTGainPattern Constructor (IReceivingAntennaExtensionTGainPattern, Double, Double, PolarizationSource)

Initializes a new instance with a given minimum frequency, maximum frequency, antenna gain pattern, and polarization source.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Communications.Antennas
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Communications (in AGI.Foundation.Communications.dll) Version: 24.2.419.0 (24.2.419.0)
protected AntennaSignalProcessor(
	IReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern> receivingAntennaExtension,
	double minimumFrequency,
	double maximumFrequency,
	PolarizationSource polarizationSource


Type: AGI.Foundation.Communications.AntennasIReceivingAntennaExtensionTGainPattern
The receiving antenna extension.
Type: SystemDouble
The minimum frequency. All received signals with frequency bands which fall entirely below this frequency will be rejected and will not show up in the output signal collection.
Type: SystemDouble
The maximum frequency. All received signals with frequency bands which fall entirely above this frequency will be rejected and will not show up in the output signal collection.
Type: AGI.Foundation.CommunicationsPolarizationSource
The polarization source for modeling polarization efficiency.
See Also