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SpecializedOrbitSolverCreateEarthRepeatGroundTraceOrbitUsingApproximateAltitude Method

Creates a circular orbit that exactly repeats its ground trace after a specified number of revolutions under the influence of J2 perturbations. Uses Earth defaults.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Propagators
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 24.2.419.0 (24.2.419.0)
public static J2Propagator CreateEarthRepeatGroundTraceOrbitUsingApproximateAltitude(
	JulianDate orbitEpoch,
	double approximateAltitude,
	double inclination,
	int numberRevsToRepeat,
	double ascendingNodeLongitude


Type: AGI.Foundation.TimeJulianDate
The epoch associated with the initial conditions of the propagated orbit.
Type: SystemDouble
The approximate desired altitude for the repeat ground trace orbit. The method iterates to find the closest exact match.
Type: SystemDouble
The inclination of the orbit.
Type: SystemInt32
The number of revolutions until the ground trace exactly repeats.
Type: SystemDouble
The longitude of the ascending node in the Earth-fixed frame.

Return Value

Type: J2Propagator
A J2Propagator object that is initialized at its ascending node with the desired orbit epoch, orbital elements, and gravity field.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown when approximateAltitude is negative, when numberRevsToRepeat is zero or negative, or when inclination is less than zero or greater than π.
Uses constants from the EarthGravitationalModel2008 for gravitational parameter, J2, and reference distance. The inertial and fixed reference frames are defined by the instance of EarthCentralBody in the CentralBodiesFacet of the CalculationContext.
See Also