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RasterTerrainCache.PreloadExtent Method

Loads the terrain data in a given extent into the terrain cache. This method does not return until the terrain data is fully loaded. All terrain data within the extent is loaded into memory even if doing so would exceed the TerrainCacheGroup'sMaximumSize. Furthermore, the loaded terrain data is locked in memory (meaning it will not be unloaded) until the user calls UnloadExtent(CartographicExtent). This method is safe to call from any thread.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Terrain
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.TerrainReaders (in AGI.Foundation.TerrainReaders.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public void PreloadExtent(
	CartographicExtent extent


Type: AGI.Foundation.Coordinates.CartographicExtent
The extent for which to load terrain data, in the native units of the terrain provider.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when extent is null.
See Also