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ParameterOptimizerIterationResults Methods

The ParameterOptimizerIterationResults type exposes the following members.

Public methodClone
Clones this object using the specified context.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetEqualityConstraintSettings
Gets the SolverConstraintSettings that correspond to the equality constraints computed by the function. The order of the SolverConstraintSettings in this array matches the order of the computed values.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInequalityConstraintSettings
Gets the SolverConstraintSettings that correspond to the inequality constraints computed by the function. The order of the SolverConstraintSettings in this array matches the order of the computed values.
Public methodGetPerturbedResults
Gets the results of the Function when the variable with the same index in the ParameterOptimizer was perturbed for this iteration. Note that this may return null if the Jacobian of the function that made these results was computed analytically or if index is higher than the number of variables in the function.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVariableSettings
Gets the SolverVariableSettings that correspond to the variable values used to compute all of the function evaluations. The order of the SolverVariableSettings in this array matches the order of the variable values.
Public methodIndexOfEqualityConstraint(SolverConstraintSettings)
Gets the index of the SolverConstraintSettings in the array that is returned by the GetEqualityConstraintSettings() method. This index also corresponds to the evaluated value in the array returned by the GetEqualityConstraintValues() of every OptimizerMultivariableFunctionResults stored in this set of results.
Public methodIndexOfEqualityConstraint(String)
Gets the index of the SolverConstraintSettings with the matching constraintName in the array that is returned by the GetEqualityConstraintSettings() method. This index also corresponds to the evaluated value in the array returned by the GetEqualityConstraintValues() of every OptimizerMultivariableFunctionResults stored in this set of results.
Public methodIndexOfInequalityConstraint(InequalityConstraintSettings)
Gets the index of the InequalityConstraintSettings in the array that is returned by the GetInequalityConstraintSettings() method. This index also corresponds to the evaluated value in the array returned by the GetInequalityConstraintValues() of every OptimizerMultivariableFunctionResults stored in this set of results.
Public methodIndexOfInequalityConstraint(String)
Gets the index of the InequalityConstraintSettings with the matching constraintName in the array that is returned by the GetInequalityConstraintSettings() method. This index also corresponds to the evaluated value in the array returned by the GetInequalityConstraintValues() of every OptimizerMultivariableFunctionResults stored in this set of results.
Public methodIndexOfVariable(SolverVariableSettings)
Gets the index of the SolverVariableSettings in the array that is returned by the GetVariableSettings() method. This index also corresponds to the variable values in the array returned by the GetVariablesUsed() of every OptimizerMultivariableFunctionResults stored in this set of results.
Public methodIndexOfVariable(String)
Gets the index of the SolverVariableSettings with the matching variableName in the array that is returned by the GetVariableSettings() method. This index also corresponds to the variable value in the array returned by the GetVariablesUsed() of every OptimizerMultivariableFunctionResults stored in this set of results.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also