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SensorProjectionHorizon Properties

The SensorProjectionHorizon type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdjacentHorizon
Gets or sets the adjacent horizon. For example, if this horizon occurs on one of the SurfaceBoundaries, then the adjacent horizon is the same segment on a boundary in the SpaceBoundaries collection.
Public propertyBoundary
Gets or sets the boundary of which this horizon is a part.
Public propertyBoundaryCurveSegmentIndex
Gets or sets the index of the horizon segment in the Boundary'sBoundaryCurveSegments collection.
Public propertyEndArcLength
Gets or sets the arc length on the Boundary'sBoundaryCurve at which the horizon segment ends.
Public propertyStartArcLength
Gets or sets the arc length on the Boundary'sBoundaryCurve at which the horizon segment begins.
See Also