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MultivariableFunctionSolverStepResultTResults, TDerivativeResults Properties

The MultivariableFunctionSolverStepResultTResults, TDerivativeResults generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAborted
Gets a value indicating whether the solver has aborted.
Public propertyConverged
Gets a value indicating whether the solver converged on this iteration.
Public propertyDerivativeResults
Gets the results of this iteration of the evaluation of the derivative of the multivariable function being solved.
Public propertyFinished
Gets a value indicating whether the solver has finished, either because the evaluation was aborted or converged.
Public propertyFunctionValue
Gets the multivariable function evaluation results.
Public propertyVariableDelta
Gets the change that should be applied to the state variables in the next iteration.
Public propertyWarnings
Gets any warnings that may have been encountered during this evaluation.
See Also