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SolidGraphics Properties

The SolidGraphics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAffectedByLighting
Gets or sets a parameter defining whether the solid is affected by lighting.
Public propertyBackLineColor
Gets or sets a parameter defining the colors of the back lines of the solid.
Public propertyBackLineWidth
Gets or sets a parameter defining the width of the back lines of the solid.
Public propertyColor
Gets or sets a parameter defining the color of the solid.
Public propertyDisplayFill
Gets or sets a parameter defining if the solid is filled.
Public propertyDisplayOutline
Gets or sets a parameter defining if the solid is outlined.
Public propertyDisplayParameters
Gets or sets the visibility of the area over time.
Public propertyDisplaySilhouette
Gets or sets a parameter defining if the solid silhouette is displayed.
Public propertyOutlineAppearance
Gets or sets a parameter defining the solid outline appearance.
Public propertyOutlineColor
Gets or sets a parameter defining the color and translucency of the outline.
Public propertyOutlineWidth
Gets or sets a parameter defining the width of the outline.
Public propertyScale
Gets or sets a parameter defining the scale of the solid.
Public propertySilhouetteColor
Gets or sets a parameter defining the silhouette color and translucency of the solid.
Public propertySilhouetteWidth
Gets or sets a parameter defining the width of the silhouette of the solid.
See Also