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QuantizedMeshTerrainTile Properties

The QuantizedMeshTerrainTile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoundingExtent
Gets the bounding extent of the mesh stored by this instance.
Public propertyCenter
Gets the center coordinates of the tile in the fixed frame of the central body. All vertex positions are relative to this.
Public propertyMaximumHeight
Gets the maximum height in the area covered by this tile. The maximum may be higher than the height of any vertex in this tile in the case that the max vertex was removed during mesh simplification, but these are the appropriate values to use for analysis or visualization.
Public propertyMinimumHeight
Gets the minimum height in the area covered by this tile. The minimum may be lower than the height of any vertex in this tile in the case that the min vertex was removed during mesh simplification, but these are the appropriate values to use for analysis or visualization.
Public propertyNumberOfTriangles
Gets the number of triangles.
Public propertyNumberOfVertices
Gets the number of vertices.
Public propertySize
Gets the approximate size of the terrain tile data, in bytes.
See Also