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TerrainPostsUInt16 Properties

The TerrainPostsUInt16 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoundingExtent
Gets the bounding extent of the posts stored by this instance.
(Inherited from TerrainPosts.)
Public propertyIndexExtent
Gets the extent of indices of this instance in the overall terrain provider.
(Inherited from TerrainPosts.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the post height at a particular set of indices.
Public propertySize
Gets the size of the post data, in bytes.
(Overrides TerrainPostsSize.)
Public propertyTerrainProvider
Gets the terrain provider that provided this collection of posts.
(Inherited from TerrainPosts.)
Public propertyVoidValue
Gets the integer value that indicates a void (or post with unknown height).
See Also