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CcsdsReferenceFrameType Enumeration

This type defines whether a Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) reference frame is inertial, fixed, or unknown.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Ccsds
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public enum CcsdsReferenceFrameType
  Member nameDescription
Unknown The reference frame type cannot be easily inferred from the available CCSDS data, or an attempt to infer the reference frame has not been performed yet.
Inertial The reference frame of the CCSDS data has been inferred to be an inertial frame.
Fixed The reference frame of the CCSDS data has been inferred to be a fixed frame.
See Also