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ComplexConic Class

A sensor volume defined by inner and outer half angles, minimum and maximum clock angles, and a radial range limit. The half angles define the outer boundary of the volume, while the clock angles restrict the volume to a sector of the annular cross-section, and the radial range closes the volume.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Geometry.Shapes
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public class ComplexConic : SensorFieldOfView

The ComplexConic type exposes the following members.

Public methodComplexConic
Constructs a volume with a default definition. Default parameters are: the InnerHalfAngle equals 0 radians, the OuterHalfAngle equals π/4 radians, the MinimumClockAngle equals negative π/4 radians, and the MaximumClockAngle equals π/4 radians.
Public methodComplexConic(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Constructs a volume of infinite radius with the provided parameters.
Public methodComplexConic(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Constructs a volume of limited radius with the provided parameters.
Public propertyInnerHalfAngle
Gets the inner half angle used to define the interior conical volume of exclusion.
Public propertyIsConnected
Gets a value indicating whether the figure is connected.
(Overrides FigureIsConnected.)
Public propertyMaximumClockAngle
Gets the maximum clock angle. In conjunction with MinimumClockAngle, this restricts volume to only a wedge-shaped portion of the annular cross-section of the sensor cone. The angle is measured clockwise when looking in the direction of the positive z axis.
Public propertyMinimumClockAngle
Gets the minimum clock angle. In conjunction with MaximumClockAngle, this restricts volume to only a wedge-shaped portion of the annular cross-section of the sensor cone. The angle is measured clockwise when looking in the direction of the positive z axis.
Public propertyOuterHalfAngle
Gets the outer half angle used to define the exterior conical boundary of the volume.
Public propertyRadius
Gets or sets the radial limit of the volume. This is the maximum range at which the sensor can detect a target.
(Inherited from SensorFieldOfView.)
Public methodEncloses
Indicates if the provided point is inside the volume.
(Overrides SolidEncloses(Cartesian).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetEnclosureDescriptions
Gets the list of descriptions for the enclosure functions for this solid.
(Overrides SolidGetEnclosureDescriptions.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetProjection(Ellipsoid, KinematicTransformation)
Gets the projection of the sensor onto the front surface of a specified ellipsoid and into space.
(Inherited from SensorFieldOfView.)
Public methodGetProjection(Ellipsoid, KinematicTransformation, SensorProjectionOptions)
Gets the projection of the sensor onto the front surface of a specified ellipsoid and onto a plane at a specified distance in space.
(Overrides SensorFieldOfViewGetProjection(Ellipsoid, KinematicTransformation, SensorProjectionOptions).)
Public methodGetService
Gets the service object of the specified type.
(Inherited from SensorFieldOfView.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnRadiusChanged
Called after the Radius property changes.
(Overrides SensorFieldOfViewOnRadiusChanged.)
Public methodSetClockAngles
Sets the clock angles, which restrict the volume to a wedge-shaped portion of the annular cross-section.
Public methodSetHalfAngles
Sets the inner and outer half angles of a sensor volume, which are used to define inner and outer conical volumes.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

The vertex of the volume is located at the origin and the sensor principal direction is along the positive z-axis. Half angles measured from the principal direction are used to define the outer boundary of the volume as well as an interior conical volume of exclusion. Minimum and maximum clock angles measured from the x-axis and about the principal direction are used to further restrict the volume to a sector of the annular cross-section. The range limit measured radially from the origin defines the maximum distance at which the sensor can detect a target, and forms the final bound of the sensor volume.

See Also