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Balloon Class

Each 3D scene has a balloon view which can display HTML content directly. The balloon is associated with a Cartographic or screen space coordinate, and an indicator attached to the the balloon will stay fixed to that coordinate. The balloon content will resize and position itself such that it is clear what the indicator is pointing to. The balloon is useful for displaying rich content that is associated with a particular Cartographic or screen space coordinate.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Graphics
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Graphics (in AGI.Foundation.Graphics.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public sealed class Balloon : IDisposable

The Balloon type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackgroundColor
Gets the color of the Background of the balloon and content associated with this balloon. This property returns null if a background color was not specified.
Public propertyCartographicPosition
Gets the Cartographic position of the balloon. This property returns null if the Balloon is associated with a ControlPosition or a position was not specified.
Public propertyCentralBody
Gets the CentralBody associated with the CartographicPosition of the balloon. This property returns null if the Balloon is associated with a ControlPosition or a position was not specified.
Public propertyContent
Gets the HTML content associated with the balloon.
Public propertyContentColor
Gets the color of the Html content associated with this balloon. This property returns null if a content color was not specified.
Public propertyControlPosition
Gets the Rectangular associated with the control position of the balloon. This property returns null if the Balloon is associated with a CartographicPosition or a position was not specified.
Public propertyIsShown
Gets whether or not the balloon is shown in the Scene.
Public propertyShowBorder
Gets or sets whether to display the decorative border around the balloon.
Public methodDispose
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHide
Hides the balloon for the Scene.
Public methodShow(String)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the center of the control.
Public methodShow(String, Cartographic)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the Cartographic position specified on EarthCentralBody.
Public methodShow(String, Rectangular)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the control position specified by controlPosition.
Public methodShow(String, Color)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the center of the control.
Public methodShow(String, Cartographic, CentralBody)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the Cartographic position specified on centralBody.
Public methodShow(String, Cartographic, Color)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the Cartographic position specified on EarthCentralBody.
Public methodShow(String, Rectangular, Color)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the control position specified by controlPosition.
Public methodShow(String, Color, Color)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the center of the control.
Public methodShow(String, Cartographic, CentralBody, Color)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the Cartographic position specified on centralBody.
Public methodShow(String, Cartographic, Color, Color)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the Cartographic position specified on EarthCentralBody.
Public methodShow(String, Rectangular, Color, Color)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the control position specified by controlPosition.
Public methodShow(String, Cartographic, CentralBody, Color, Color)
Shows the balloon with the HTML content specified by htmlContent, at the Cartographic position specified on centralBody.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public eventNavigating
Raised when a link is navigated to in the balloon.
See Also