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RinexNavigationEphemeris Class

Contains the data for a single ephemeris defining the GPS satellite corresponding to PseudoRandomNumber.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation.DataReaders
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation (in AGI.Foundation.Navigation.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public class RinexNavigationEphemeris : IGpsElements, 
	IAvailability, IEquatable<RinexNavigationEphemeris>

The RinexNavigationEphemeris type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccuracy
Gets the Sv accuracy.
Public propertyArgumentOfPerigee
Gets the argument of perigee.
Public propertyAvailabilityIntervals
Gets a TimeIntervalCollection over which data is available. If the availability interval is infinite, this returns Infinite.
Public propertyClockBias
Gets the clock bias.
Public propertyClockDrift
Gets the clock drift.
Public propertyClockDriftRate
Gets the clock drift rate.
Public propertyCosineCorrectionToArgumentOfLatitude
Gets the amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the Argument of Latitude.
Public propertyCosineCorrectionToInclination
Gets the amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination.
Public propertyCosineCorrectionToOrbitRadius
Gets the amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius.
Public propertyDefaultValuesUsed
Gets a value indicating whether or not the default value is used for any parameter. This may result because of a parse failure for a particular item.
Public propertyEccentricity
Gets eccentricity.
Public propertyEpoch
Gets the epoch at which these elements are specified.
Public propertyFitInterval
Gets the fit interval representing the duration in hours for which this ephemeris is valid. Note that, according to ICD-GPS-200D, if the fit interval in the RINEX file is zero (or absent) the default fit interval is set to 4 hours.
Public propertyGpsWeek
Gets the GPS Week # (to go with TimeOfEphemeris).
Public propertyGroupDelayDifferential
Gets the group delay differential (tgd) in seconds.
Public propertyHealth
Gets the Sv health (bits 17-22 w 3 sf 1).
Public propertyInclinationAngle
Gets the inclination angle.
Public propertyIssueOfData
Gets the issue of data ephemeris (IODE).
Public propertyIssueOfDataClock
Gets the issue of data clock (IODC).
Public propertyL2Channel
Gets the codes on L2 channel.
Public propertyL2PDataFlag
Gets the L2 P data flag.
Public propertyLongitudeOfAscendingNode
Gets the longitude of ascending node of orbit plane at weekly epoch.
Public propertyMeanAnomaly
Gets the mean anomaly.
Public propertyMeanMotionDifference
Gets the mean motion difference from computed value.
Public propertyPseudoRandomNumber
Gets the Pseudo Random Number (PRN).
Public propertyRateOfInclinationAngle
Gets the rate of inclination angle (IDOT).
Public propertyRateOfRightAscension
Gets the rate of right ascension.
Public propertySineCorrectionToArgumentOfLatitude
Gets the amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the Argument of Latitude.
Public propertySineCorrectionToInclination
Gets the amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination.
Public propertySineCorrectionToOrbitRadius
Gets the amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius.
Public propertySquareRootOfSemimajorAxis
Gets the square root of the semi-major axis (sqrt(meters)).
Public propertyTimeOfClock
Gets GPS date of the time of clock of the message.
Public propertyTimeOfEphemeris
Gets the time of ephemeris (TOE).
Public propertyTimeOfEphemerisGpsDate
Gets the GPS date of the time of ephemeris of the message.
Public propertyTransmissionTime
Gets the transmission time of the message in seconds of the GpsWeek.
Public propertyTransmissionTimeGpsDate
Gets the GPS date of the transmission time of the message.
Public methodEquals(Object)
Indicates whether another object is exactly equal to this instance.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(RinexNavigationEphemeris)
Indicates whether another instance of this type is exactly equal to this instance.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAvailabilityIntervals
Gets the intervals over which data is available.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns a hash code for this instance, which is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsAvailable
Determines if valid data is available for the given JulianDate.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberReadEphemeris
Parse a block of eight lines representing a single ephemeris block formatted according to the RINEX Navigation file 2.10 standard.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public operatorStatic memberEquality
Returns if the two instances are exactly equal.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
Returns if the two instances are not exactly equal.
See Also