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RhumbLineConnectionStrategy Class

A connection strategy that connects two procedures with a straight path following a constant heading.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.RouteDesign.Advanced
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.RouteDesign (in AGI.Foundation.RouteDesign.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public class RhumbLineConnectionStrategy : ConnectionStrategy

The RhumbLineConnectionStrategy type exposes the following members.

Public methodRhumbLineConnectionStrategy(Ellipsoid)
Create a new instance based on the given surface shape.
Public methodRhumbLineConnectionStrategy(EllipsoidRhumbLine)
Create a new instance based on the given EllipsoidRhumbLine.
Public methodRhumbLineConnectionStrategy(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Cartographic)
Create a new instance based on the given start and stop positions.
Public propertyFinalPoint
Gets the final point of the connection segment.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyFinalPoint.)
Public propertyInitialPoint
Gets the initial point of the connection segment.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyInitialPoint.)
Public propertySurfaceShape
Gets the shape of the reference surface upon which the surface geometry is defined.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategySurfaceShape.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetDistance
Get the total distance traversed by this connection from start to finish, in meters.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetDistance.)
Public methodGetFinalHeading
Get the final heading of the connection, in radians.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetFinalHeading.)
Public methodGetFinalHeading(EllipsoidSurfaceCurve)
Get the final heading of the given curve, in radians.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetFinalHeading(EllipsoidSurfaceCurve).)
Public methodGetFinalHeading(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Cartographic)
Get the final heading of the curve corresponding to the given parameters.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetFinalHeading(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Cartographic).)
Public methodGetFinalHeading(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Double, Double)
Get the final heading of the curve corresponding to the given parameters.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetFinalHeading(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Double, Double).)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHeading
Get the heading at an arbitrary point along the connection, in radians.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetHeading(Double).)
Public methodGetInitialHeading
Get the initial heading of the connection, in radians.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetInitialHeading.)
Public methodGetInitialHeading(EllipsoidSurfaceCurve)
Get the initial heading of the given curve, in radians.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetInitialHeading(EllipsoidSurfaceCurve).)
Public methodGetInitialHeading(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Cartographic)
Get the initial heading of the curve corresponding to the given parameters.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetInitialHeading(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Cartographic).)
Public methodGetSurfaceCurve(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Cartographic)
Generate a curve representing the connection from the initial to the final point.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetSurfaceCurve(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Cartographic).)
Public methodGetSurfaceCurve(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Double, Double)
Generate a curve representing the connection from the initial to the final point.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetSurfaceCurve(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Double, Double).)
Public methodGetSurfacePoint
Get the surface point along the connection at the given arc length.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetSurfacePoint(Double).)
Public methodGetSurfaceSegment
Get an instance of the surface geometry corresponding to this connection segment.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategyGetSurfaceSegment.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetPoints
Set the initial and final points of the connection segment.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategySetPoints(Cartographic, Cartographic).)
Public methodSetStart
Set the initial point of the connection segment.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategySetStart(Cartographic).)
Public methodSetStop
Set the final point of the connection segment.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategySetStop(Cartographic).)
Public methodSetSurfaceCurve
Set this connection to use the given surface curve.
(Overrides ConnectionStrategySetSurfaceCurve(EllipsoidSurfaceCurve).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also