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DoubleFunctionExplorer Events

The DoubleFunctionExplorer type exposes the following members.

Public eventFunctionSampled
Raised each time a function is sampled. Note that this NOT raised when the function is sampled for the purpose of precisely finding a threshold crossing or extremum.
Public eventLocalExtremumFound

Raised when a precise local minimum or maximum has been found. This event will only be raised if the local extremum is found precisely. Local extrema are found precisely if:

Public eventLocalExtremumIndicated
Raised when three points are found that indicate the existence of a local extremum (minimum or maximum). When this event is raised, the exact extremum has not yet been identified.
Public eventThresholdCrossingFound
Raised when a precise threshold crossing has been found. This event will only be raised if FindAllCrossingsPrecisely is true or FindPreciseCrossing() is called during the handling of the ThresholdCrossingIndicated event.
Public eventThresholdCrossingIndicated
Raised when two points are found that indicate a threshold was crossed. When this event is raised, the exact crossing has not yet been identified.
See Also