Click or drag to resize


Insight3D automatically provides rotating and zooming in a 3D scene using the mouse. The Insight3D camera object provides full control over the camera's position and orientation. When the camera is initialized with Point or Vector objects, the camera automatically moves when the point or vector changes. The camera also provides higher level methods, such as the ability to view an entire central body or zoom to a rectangular extent on the globe. The camera is used to set view parameters like the field of view, near plane distance, and far plane distance. The camera provides functionality for taking snapshots of the 3D window as well as recording videos.




Using the camera for viewing central bodies, viewing rectangular extents, and general viewing.

View Frustum

How to set view frustum parameters, such as the field of view, near plane distance, and far plane distance.

Taking Snapshots

Snapshots of the 3D window can be saved, including high resolution snapshots.

Recording Videos

Videos of the 3D window can be made while animating.