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ILinkService.GetOffsetToReceptionTimeEvaluator Method

Gets an evaluator that, given a time at which something is transmitted by the Transmitter, evaluates the time at which it will be received by the Receiver. The time is expressed as an offset from the input time.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Access
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
LinkDelayEvaluator GetOffsetToReceptionTimeEvaluator(
	EvaluatorGroup group


Type: AGI.Foundation.EvaluatorGroup
The group with which to associate the new evaluator. By grouping evaluators that are often evaluated at the same Julian dates, common computations can be performed only once for the entire group instead of multiple times for each evaluator.

Return Value

Type: LinkDelayEvaluator
The evaluator.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when group is null.
Since the reception is after the transmission time, this evaluator will always return a positive (or zero) duration.
See Also