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BaseDualPolarizedTransmittingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern>.GetSignalTransmissionEvaluator Method

Gets an evaluator which produces a set of transmit signals for both the primary and orthogonal polarization channels. For signals transmitted by the primary polarization channel, a PrimaryPolarizationChannelIdentifier is added to the data collection to identify the signals as a primary polarization channel signal. For signals transmitted by the orthogonal polarization channel, an OrthogonalPolarizationChannelIdentifier is added to the data collection to identify the signals as an orthogonal polarization channel signal. If the PolarizationSource property returns an instance of PolarizationSource, the primary channel polarization signal's data collection will contain a Polarization instance produced by the evaluator obtained from the polarization source. Likewise, the orthogonal polarization signal's data collection will contain an orthogonal Polarization instance which is constructed from the primary channel polarization.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Communications.Antennas
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Communications (in AGI.Foundation.Communications.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public override SignalEvaluator GetSignalTransmissionEvaluator(
	EvaluatorGroup group,
	Vector reflectedVector,
	SignalPropagationGraph graph


Type: AGI.Foundation.EvaluatorGroup
The evaluator group in which to create the evaluator.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Geometry.Vector
The link geometry used by the antenna gain pattern.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Communications.SignalPropagationGraph
The graph of the communication links used to propagate signals.

Return Value

Type: SignalEvaluator
An evaluator which produces the transmitted primary and orthogonal channel signals, after applying the antenna gain.


ISignalTransmissionService.GetSignalTransmissionEvaluator(EvaluatorGroup, Vector, SignalPropagationGraph)
ArgumentNullException Thrown if group, reflectedVector, or graph is null.
PropertyInvalidException Thrown if AntennaGainPattern, PrimaryPolarizationInputSignalProcessor, or OrthogonalPolarizationInputSignalProcessor is null.
See Also