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WirelessLinkExtension.GetSignalEvaluatorFromTransmitter Method (EvaluatorGroup, SignalPropagationGraph, IServiceProvider)

Get an evaluator which produces the signal observed directly after transmission in the link direction based on the given time observer. If the time observer is itself the transmitter, the evaluation time is the same as the transmission time. Otherwise, the evaluation time is delayed from the transmission time.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Communications
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Communications (in AGI.Foundation.Communications.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public SignalEvaluator GetSignalEvaluatorFromTransmitter(
	EvaluatorGroup group,
	SignalPropagationGraph graph,
	IServiceProvider timeObserver


Type: AGI.Foundation.EvaluatorGroup
The evaluator group in which to create the evaluator.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Communications.SignalPropagationGraph
The graph of the links used in the analysis.
Type: System.IServiceProvider
A service provider representing the receiver at which to observe times.

Return Value

Type: SignalEvaluator
An evaluator which produces the set of signals as they leave the transmitter in the link direction, given times expressed with respect to the given timeObserver.
To determine total time delay, this method uses the communication graph to determine the shortest path from the given timeObserver to this particular transmitter.
See Also