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GpsCommunicationsConstellation.Create Method (String, Int32, String)

Creates a GPS constellation that includes navigation signal transmitters specific to each satellite block type. Each platform will provide the following services: IGpsPrnService, IGpsSatelliteInformationService, ILocationPointService, IOrientationAxesService, and INavigationTransmitterService.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation.Advanced
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation.Advanced (in AGI.Foundation.Navigation.Advanced.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public static PlatformCollection Create(
	string semAlmanacFile,
	int rolloverCount,
	string gpsDataFile


Type: System.String
The location of the almanac file to use for GPS satellite positions.
Type: System.Int32
The number of times the GPS week counter had rolled over when the almanac was created. See below for more information.
Type: System.String
The location of the GPSData.txt file to use that defines the GPS block and PRN information.

Return Value

Type: PlatformCollection
A PlatformCollection representing GPS satellites and their transmitters.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when semAlmanacFile or gpsDataFile is null.

The following list represents the rollover dates for the GPS week parameter. On or after the date listed below, you will need to use the specified rollover count.

DateRollover Count
January 6, 19800
August 22, 19991
April 7, 20192
November 21, 20383
July 7, 20584

To compute the rollover count for a given date, construct a GlobalPositioningSystemDate and use the value of RolloverCount.


Note that the latest GPSData.txt file should be used and can be downloaded from:

See Also