PartialDerivativesFixed.GetPartialDerivativesEvaluator Method |
Namespace: AGI.Foundation.NumericalMethods.Advanced
public PartialDerivativesEvaluator GetPartialDerivativesEvaluator( IList<IPartialDifferentiable> independentVariables, EvaluatorGroup group )
Exception | Condition |
InvalidOperationException | As a PartialDerivativesFixed should be created during the course of PartialDerivativesEvaluator creation for higher level objects, it is assumed to have its independent variables coordinated correctly. If Dependencies contains an independent variable not included within independentVariables an exception will be thrown. |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown when independentVariables or group is null. |
PropertyInvalidException | Thrown if any of the Dependencies is not an independent variable. |