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SpecializedOrbitSolverCreateEarthCriticallyInclinedOrbit Method

Creates a critically-inclined orbit with an argument of periapsis that remains constant under J2 Perturbations. Uses Earth defaults.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Propagators
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 24.1.418.0 (24.1.418.0)
public static J2Propagator CreateEarthCriticallyInclinedOrbit(
	JulianDate orbitEpoch,
	double periapsisAltitude,
	double apoapsisAltitude,
	double longitudeAscendingNode,
	bool isPosigrade


Type: AGI.Foundation.TimeJulianDate
The epoch associated with the initial conditions of the propagated orbit.
Type: SystemDouble
The distance of the periapsis of the orbit above the equatorial radius of Earth.
Type: SystemDouble
The distance of the apoapsis of the orbit above the equatorial radius of Earth.
Type: SystemDouble
The longitude of the ascending node in the default fixed frame of the Earth.
Type: SystemBoolean
Sets the inclination to about 63.435 degrees if true (for posigrade critically-inclined orbits) or about 116.565 degrees if false (for retrograde critically-inclined orbits).

Return Value

Type: J2Propagator
A J2Propagator object that is initialized at its ascending node with the desired orbit epoch and orbital elements.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown if periapsisAltitude or apoapsisAltitude is less than zero, or if periapsisAltitude is greater than apoapsisAltitude.
Uses constants from the EarthGravitationalModel2008 for gravitational parameter, J2, and reference distance. The inertial and fixed reference frames are defined by the instance of EarthCentralBody in the CentralBodiesFacet of the CalculationContext.
See Also