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GridDescriptiveStatistics Methods

The GridDescriptiveStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAverageFigureOfMerit(IEnumerable<CoverageGridPointWithResults>, FigureOfMerit<Double>)
Computes the average of a given figure of merit over the grid (ignoring grid weighting).
Public methodStatic memberAverageFigureOfMerit(IEnumerable<CoverageGridPointWithResults>, FigureOfMerit<Int32>)
Computes the average of a given figure of merit over the grid (ignoring grid weighting).
Public methodStatic memberAverageWeightedFigureOfMerit(IEnumerable<CoverageGridPointWithResults>, FigureOfMerit<Double>)
Computes the average of a given figure of merit over the grid, based on the grid point Weights.
Public methodStatic memberAverageWeightedFigureOfMerit(IEnumerable<CoverageGridPointWithResults>, FigureOfMerit<Int32>)
Computes the average of a given figure of merit over the grid, based on the grid point Weights.
Public methodStatic memberCompleteSatisfactionTime
Gets the earliest time at which satisfaction has been achieved (not necessarily concurrently) for all the grid points, or null if one or more grid points are never satisfied.
Public methodStatic memberComputeFigureOfMeritData(CoverageResults, IFigureOfMeritDefinition, TimeInterval, Duration)
Compute the given figure of merit over the coverage grid.
Public methodStatic memberComputeFigureOfMeritData(CoverageResults, IList<IFigureOfMeritDefinition>, TimeInterval, Duration)
Compute the given figure of merit over the coverage grid.
Public methodStatic memberInstantaneousPercentCovered
Computes the percentage of the grid that is covered at the given time based on whether each individual grid point representing a given area is covered.
Public methodStatic memberInstantaneousWeightCovered
Computes the total weight of the points on the grid that are covered at a given time.
Public methodStatic memberMaximumFigureOfMerit<T>
Computes the maximum of a given figure of merit over the grid, based on the grid point weights (usually area).
Public methodStatic memberMinimumFigureOfMerit<T>
Computes the minimum of a given figure of merit over the grid.
Public methodStatic memberPercentAccumulated
Given a time after a start time, computes the highest percentage of the grid which has been covered at any one time after the start and before the time of interest.
Public methodStatic memberPercentCovered
Computes the percentage of the grid that is covered based on whether each individual grid point representing a given area is covered at any time.
Public methodStatic memberSatisfactionIntervals
Returns the set of intervals where the entire set of grid points is satisfied.
Public methodStatic memberUnknownIntervals
Returns the set of intervals where coverage is unknown on any of the grid points.
Public methodStatic memberWeightOfCoveredPoints
Computes the total weight of the points on the grid which have been covered.
See Also