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CssiSolarGeophysicalData.ReadFromFile Method

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Public methodStatic memberReadFromFile(String)
Processes the CSSI Space Weather file into a set of time varying geophysical data. For more information on the format of this file, or to obtain updated files, see: CSSI Space Weather Data. This will use the following defaults: The DefaultObservationTimeOfDay determines when to transition from one entry to the next. The UseApToComputeKpValues flag is set to true by default, indicating that Kp will produce the more precise value computed from Ap rather than interpolating the rounded values of Kp represented in the data file. The UseDailyFluxData flag is set to false by default.
Public methodStatic memberReadFromFile(String, Double, Boolean, Boolean)
Processes the CSSI Space Weather file into a set of time varying geophysical data. For more information on the format of this file, or to obtain updated files, see: CSSI Space Weather Data.
See Also