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IersTechnicalNote36RelativisticCorrectionForce Constructor

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Public methodIersTechnicalNote36RelativisticCorrectionForce()
Initializes a new instance.
Public methodIersTechnicalNote36RelativisticCorrectionForce(Point)
Initializes the correction force with the specified Point. The CentralBody is set to Earth from the CentralBodiesFacet, and the SolarCentralBody is set to the sun from the CentralBodiesFacet. Both additional corrections (de Sitter and Lense-Thirring) will be used.
Protected methodIersTechnicalNote36RelativisticCorrectionForce(IersTechnicalNote36RelativisticCorrectionForce, CopyContext)
Initializes a new instance as a copy of an existing instance.
Public methodIersTechnicalNote36RelativisticCorrectionForce(CentralBody, Double, Double)
Initializes the correction force with the specified CentralBody, solar gravitational parameter, and central body gravitational parameter. The SolarCentralBody is set to the sun from the CentralBodiesFacet. Both additional corrections (de Sitter and Lense-Thirring) will be used.
Public methodIersTechnicalNote36RelativisticCorrectionForce(Point, CentralBody, CentralBody, Vector, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean)
Initializes the correction force with the specified parameters.
See Also