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LatitudeBoundsCoverageGrid Constructor

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Public methodLatitudeBoundsCoverageGrid()
Construct a default instance. Both SaveGridCell and UseCellSurfaceAreaForWeight are set to true.
Public methodLatitudeBoundsCoverageGrid(CentralBody, Double, Double, Double)
Construct a new instance based on the given globe and planetodetic latitude bounds in the planet's fixed frame. Both SaveGridCell and UseCellSurfaceAreaForWeight are set to true.
Public methodLatitudeBoundsCoverageGrid(TerrainProvider, Double, Double, Double)
Construct a new instance based on the given terrain and planetodetic latitude bounds. Both SaveGridCell and UseCellSurfaceAreaForWeight are set to true.
Public methodLatitudeBoundsCoverageGrid(TerrainProvider, CentralBody, Double, Double, Double)
Construct a new instance based on the given terrain and planetodetic latitude bounds. Both SaveGridCell and UseCellSurfaceAreaForWeight are set to true.
See Also