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SpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid Constructor

Overload List
Public methodSpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid(CentralBodyCoverageGrid)
Construct a new instance based on a given instance of another CentralBodyCoverageGrid.
Public methodSpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid(CentralBody,CoverageGridPoint[])
Construct a new instance based on a given set of GridPoints and their corresponding central body.
Public methodSpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid(CentralBody, IList<CoverageGridPoint>)
Construct a new instance based on a given list of GridPoints and their corresponding central body.
Public methodSpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid(CentralBody, TerrainProvider,CoverageGridPoint[])
Construct a new instance based on a given set of GridPoints and their corresponding terrain.
Public methodSpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid(CentralBody, TerrainProvider, IList<CoverageGridPoint>)
Construct a new instance based on a given list of GridPoints and their corresponding terrain.
Public methodSpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid(CentralBody, IList<Cartographic>, IList<CartographicExtent>, Boolean, Boolean)
Construct a new instance based on a given reference surface, a list of Cartographic points, and the corresponding extents of each grid cell.
Public methodSpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid(CentralBody, TerrainProvider, IList<Cartographic>, IList<CartographicExtent>, Boolean, Boolean)
Construct a new instance based on a given reference terrain, a list of Cartographic points, and the corresponding extents of each grid cell.
See Also