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Ellipsoid.EllipsoidSeparationDistance Method

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Public methodEllipsoidSeparationDistance(Ellipsoid, Cartesian, Matrix3By3)
If the given Ellipsoid does not intersect with this ellipsoid this method returns the minimum separation between the surfaces of the two ellipsoids. If the ellipsoids do intersect, the resulting negative separation is the depth that the other ellipsoid intersects into this ellipsoid (calculated as the distance between the two points on the ellipsoid chosen in the same manner as in the non-intersecting case).
Public methodEllipsoidSeparationDistance(Ellipsoid, Cartesian, Matrix3By3, Cartesian, Cartesian)
If the given Ellipsoid does not intersect with this ellipsoid this method returns the minimum separation between the surfaces of the two ellipsoids. If the ellipsoids do intersect, the resulting negative separation is the depth that the other ellipsoid intersects into this ellipsoid (calculated as the distance between the two points on the ellipsoid chosen in the same manner as in the non-intersecting case).
See Also