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BallisticPropagator.ConfigureForMinimumEccentricity Method

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Public methodConfigureForMinimumEccentricity(Cartesian)
Populates the InitialVelocity and FinalTime values for the trajectory with the minimum orbital eccentricity. With an initial and final point on the surface of the central body this will correspond to a trajectory that skims the surface of the body. This trajectory is mainly used to determine the absolute lower bounds for a reasonable flight duration for a specific initial and final point.
Public methodConfigureForMinimumEccentricity(Cartographic)
Populates the InitialVelocity and FinalTime values for the trajectory with the minimum orbital eccentricity. With an initial and final point on the surface of the central body this will correspond to a trajectory that skims the surface of the body. This trajectory is mainly used to determine the absolute lower bounds for a reasonable flight duration for a specific initial and final point.
See Also