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BallisticPropagator.ConfigureForMinimumEnergy Method

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Public methodConfigureForMinimumEnergy(Cartesian)
Populates the InitialVelocity and FinalTime values for the trajectory with the minimum orbital energy. This will also correspond to the minimum delta-V required. All other properties must be set prior to calling this method, either directly, on construction, or by using ConfigureInitialPositionFromCartographic(Cartographic) or ConfigureInitialPositionFromFixedCartesian(Cartesian)
Public methodConfigureForMinimumEnergy(Cartographic)
Populates the InitialVelocity and FinalTime values for the trajectory with the minimum orbital energy. This will also correspond to the minimum delta-V required. All other properties must be set prior to calling this method, either directly, on construction, or by using ConfigureInitialPositionFromCartographic(Cartographic) or ConfigureInitialPositionFromFixedCartesian(Cartesian)
See Also